Controversial opinions on metal

I agree, excessive blast beats is just boring and monotonous. It's so common these days that I'm so tired of it. This especially when the production is very clean with a very plastic drum sound. It's nearly enough to kill an album for me. I prefer drummers who mix it up and have a more dynamic style.
That's part of the genius behind such masterpieces as Nachthymen, 'n Crugu Bradului, and Written in Waters. It's why altar of plagues has more return value than wolves in the throne room. There are exceptions to the rule of course. I enjoy drummers who've reinvented the blast beat like jamie st merat.
Blast beats are awesome you fucking troglodytes!!! Better than shitty double bass all over the fuckin place
written in waters is amazing but nachthymnen and most negura bunget is not.

people who don't like autopsy are posers who shouldn't be anywhere near death metal. only effigy, mortal throne, altars and blessed come close from the bands mentioned.

medieval steel is NOT better than crystal logic, but it is good.

dissection are like the dragonforce to sacramentum's iron maiden.
dissection are like the dragonforce to sacramentum's iron maiden.

While Darkthrone has the most classic albums of the Norwegian scene, none of their discs compare to Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Pure Holocaust, or De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.
For me De Mysteriis has always been a notch below all the other classic BM albums. It's a good album, but it's so middle ground. Most other albums stick out stylistically in one way or another, whether it be with hypnotic minimalism (Transilvanian Hunger), chaotic streams of sound (Pure Holocaust) or melodic dynamics of a symphonic scale (In The Nightside Eclipse). I've never had one specific characteristic or trademark of De Mysteriis pull me in as effectively as those of the other albums have.
For me De Mysteriis has always been a notch below all the other classic BM albums. It's a good album, but it's so middle ground. Most other albums stick out stylistically in one way or another, whether it be with hypnotic minimalism (Transilvanian Hunger), chaotic streams of sound (Pure Holocaust) or melodic dynamics of a symphonic scale (In The Nightside Eclipse). I've never had one specific characteristic or trademark of De Mysteriis pull me in as effectively as those of the other albums have.

It's fucking mystic and weird. Dark, torturing. It's a wall of schizophrenic sound. Everything about the album is outstanding and unique, you have to be deaf to not hear it.
It's fucking mystic and weird. Dark, torturing. It's a wall of schizophrenic sound. Everything about the album is outstanding and unique, you have to be deaf to not hear it.

That it's outstanding I agree. However, couldn't you also say that In the Nightside Eclipse, for example, is "mystic and weird", or that Transilvanian Hunger is "dark and torturing"? It has many good traits - and I can't believe I forgot about Atilla's unique vocals - but personally I tend to like those albums that have one or two main defining traits most.
Personally I find INTE, while amazing, to be the least stellar of the classic early-90s BM albums, and DMDS to be an amazing piece of chaotic, warped black metal. It's no Hvis Lyset Tar Oss or Transilvanian Hunger, that's for sure, but it's certainly not on a tier below everything else.
Personally I find INTE, while amazing, to be the least stellar of the classic early-90s BM albums

kill yourself

Also, I think DMDS is better than Transilvanian Hunger, or really any other Darkthrone album. I just decided that right now. Pretty neat, huh? I don't think anybody will agree with me. Oh yeah, and, ITNE is the best album that ever came out of the second wave and if you have a problem with my impeccable opinions you can choke on my gargantuan ding dong.
kill yourself

Also, I think DMDS is better than Transilvanian Hunger, or really any other Darkthrone album. I just decided that right now. Pretty neat, huh? I don't think anybody will agree with me. Oh yeah, and, ITNE is the best album that ever came out of the second wave and if you have a problem with my impeccable opinions you can choke on my gargantuan ding dong.

ITNE is great but De Mysteriis, Transilvanian Hunger, and Hvis Lyset (or any of the first four Burzum albums really) are all better than it. Come to think of it, ITNE is better than Pure Holocaust but that's about it.