Controversial opinions on metal

Personally I don't think they can be compared. Opeth can write a decent song. (Here comes the barrage of try hard metal connoisseurs)

If he really wanted to get smart he could of pointed out my username is a Burzum song. :erk:
It is also a Mount Eerie song and I swear you come off way more hipster faggy than as someone with a genuine interest in metal
hipster faggy

I do have a genuine interest in metal...its just hilarious how so many metal fans (particularly on this forum) have this superiority complex. Self proclaimed oracles of music..anything that is not metal is GAY..and people who listen to it are FAGS.

How am I a "hipster"?

Metal is so trendy, cliquey, "hipsterish" its un real. :)
I'm pretty sure he was making a self-deprecating joke. He's called himself a hipster many a time before, and is an open lover of indie rock and Ares Kingdom. It's way of saying he likes you.

I do have a genuine interest in metal...its just hilarious how so many metal fans (particularly on this forum) have this superiority complex. Self proclaimed oracles of music..anything that is not metal is GAY..and people who listen to it are FAGS.

How am I a "hipster"?

Metal is so trendy, cliquey, "hipsterish" its un real. :)

I can understand n00bs thinking that we're elitist on this forum, but someone who's been a member since 2002? C'mon, do you even read anybody's fucking posts? UMGMD is a metal forum whose members are probably the most "un-metal" people you can interact with.
BTW, I do agree with Opeth > Mayhem in principal, but DMDS is an undisputed classic.
I don't know how controversial this may be but Medieval Steel's EP is one of the best epic metal pieces ever and is on par with the likes of Crystal Logic, Battle Cry, Hail to England, Into Battle, etc.
James Labrie's solo album "Elements Of Persuasion" is better than anything Dream Theater's done in the past 10 years.
I don't know how controversial this may be but Medieval Steel's EP is one of the best epic metal pieces ever and is on par with the likes of Crystal Logic, Battle Cry, Hail to England, Into Battle, etc.

For some reason I always forget to listen to it, but when I do I agree that it is very good. Much better than Crystal Logic, although I wouldn't put it on par with Hail to England.
James Labrie's solo album "Elements Of Persuasion" is better than anything Dream Theater's done in the past 10 years.

I know alot of people around these parts have very little respect for Dream Theater's last couple of albums but I wouldn't go that far.
Attila is clearly superior to Dead; at least when it comes to who's vocals would fit DMDS better. For those who disagree, I am sorry you are deluded.
Judging by the samples, the new Morbid Angel is going to be great fun, even if it's not all DM. People will listen to it more than they claim to.