Controversial opinions on metal

Attila sounds like someone I'd find in a crypt consuming corpses while chanting to Satan.

Dead sounds like a typical BM vocalist.
Dead sounds more like a DM vocalist. Which, frankly, is much more his forte. His vocals in Morbid are awesome.

Attila's performance on DMDS is a holy grail in the genre and untouchable as far as I'm concerned.
Attila sounds like someone I'd find in a crypt consuming corpses while chanting to Satan.

Dead sounds like a typical BM vocalist.


One of the many things that make De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas so special are Attila's vocals. I can't imagine that album without them.
I like Attila's performance on DMDS, his vocals are certainly unique. Initially when I first got into Mayhem I preferred Attila as a vocalist but upon hearing more from Dead, especially hearing him perform the songs that make up DMDS, I developed a preference for Dead. I think Dead's vocals are more sincere, passionate and a better fit. By no means would I say Dead sounds like a typical black metal vocalist.
I don't care for his vocals. Honestly its the only thing about De Mysteriis I don't like. I really prefered Dead and wish they had gotten a vocalist with a similar style/sound.

I'm quite suprised how many people share this view with me. Though I do agree with Bitencourt29 his live performances look kickass with the creepy outfits and everything.
Dead was so much better, but Attila is decent. Never annoyed me, but didn't stand out either. But since they are two completely different vocalists, I wouldn't compare them too much.
One of the reasons I revere DMDS so much is simply because of how different it sounds. It's such an anomaly due to the fact that it's undoubtedly one of the most influential metal albums ever, but there really isn't anything else that sounds like it, at all. It's full of these magical, theatrical nuances that simply can't be mimicked, like the omnipresence of Euronymous's guitar track and the way it just seems to slither around Hellhammer's fairly conventional drum patterns (see: the middle section of "Buried By Time and Dust", in particular). I feel like Attila's vocals operate in the same fashion, and the album just wouldn't be the same without them.
I'm glad this discussion was brought up because it made me listen to fucking DMDS after a long long time.
It's full of these magical, theatrical nuances that simply can't be mimicked, like the omnipresence of Euronymous's guitar track and the way it just seems to slither around Hellhammer's fairly conventional drum patterns (see: the middle section of "Buried By Time and Dust", in particular).

Or, by all means, the opposite. I love how Hellhammer transports Euronymous' riff through different phases from 3:00 on in "From the Dark Past".
Interesting. There's definitely a one-of-a-kind interplay between guitars and drums going on with that album, but I've never noticed that instance before. Discovering new things about classics is awesome.
Guaranteed you say "Bolt Thrower" outside of really intense metal circles and you'll get a blank stare followed by someone asking if they're a power metal band. They SHOULD have a name as well-known as Suffocation or Cryptopsy, but it ain't even close.

my fucking dad knows who bolt thrower are. i think john peel played them back in the day so a lot of uk music type people who arent necessarily into metal know of them, along with napalm death, carcass etc.
DMDS is a timeless classic of black metal, something that bands don't even try to imitate despite citing it as an influence because it'd be sacrosanct to even try and cop the style of that album.
One of the reasons I revere DMDS so much is simply because of how different it sounds. It's such an anomaly due to the fact that it's undoubtedly one of the most influential metal albums ever, but there really isn't anything else that sounds like it, at all. It's full of these magical, theatrical nuances that simply can't be mimicked, like the omnipresence of Euronymous's guitar track and the way it just seems to slither around Hellhammer's fairly conventional drum patterns (see: the middle section of "Buried By Time and Dust", in particular). I feel like Attila's vocals operate in the same fashion, and the album just wouldn't be the same without them.

I've kind of thought the same thing about the album. It has this almost hypnotic effect on me when I listen it. Most Burzum albums have the same thing going on for me too. Attila's vocalists are so amazing to me because he doesn't even sound human, for example on the title track he almost sounds like he's crying or something and of course the opening riff on that track is fucking incredible as well. DMDS is a perfect album not just because of the songs being played but because of the way they were played/produced/mixed in the studio. It sounds like something from another plain of existence. If you can acheive that as a musician with the work you do you're a genius.
Attila sounds like someone I'd find in a crypt consuming corpses while chanting to Satan.

Dead sounds like a typical BM vocalist.

attila sounds like a crazy old man to me. i guess i don't hate his voice i just think the album would have been better a more intense and 'evil' sounding vocalist.
haha all this is over whose vocals sound more evil? man

When Dead sings It reminds me of watching a burning church through the thick f0g, while standing in the grim forest of neKro while having anal sex with B.A Baracus.

They both sound shit :erk::erk::erk:

I personally I prefer Marvin Gaye, particularly on 'What's goin on?'. A staple classic of the genre.