Controversial opinions on metal

Qua heavy metal vocalist, Anneke van Giersbergen is not very good, but that's because she's not even a heavy metal vocalist. She just happened to be in a band that was sort of metal for awhile, but her vocal style is not metal. Anyway, though, the basic point Mort made is right. She's an incredible singer. And from a purely technical standpoint, not many metal singers sound as trained as she does to my ears.
lol, what the fuck does that even mean?

Typical heavy metal singers - if you're just talking about clean vocalists - usually have a highly bombastic style of singing, the sort of "projects all the way to the back of the arena" style. Anneke van Giersbergen does not strike me as that sort of vocalist, overall.

Seriously, quit being a fucking obnoxious idiot.
Didn't this thread just have an argument on whether certain vocal styles could be defined as metal or not? It was entertaining, but I don't remember it reaching a climactic peak of personal attacks and MetalAges post deleting that I hope it to. I hope this one is better.
In all fairness, her singing on Mandylion is a little more "in your face" than on later albums iirc. But yeah, overall she strikes me as more of an earthy, singer-songwriter type of vocalist, but with perhaps a bit more technical flash and training.
Go away Mr. Clever.

Mandylion is one of the first Gothic metal albums. It predates even Theatre of Tragedy's Aegis by three years. It is undeniably a metal album and to dispute that is just fucking silly.

EDIT: Yes, TON were playing a style of Gothic metal back 2 years prior but they'd always had a thick doom influence as well whereas Mandylion is pretty much straight up.
I don't listen to either Theatre of Tragedy or The Gathering, but is there actually anything gothic about their music?

I ask because I almost find gothic metal to be non-existent, save for a few bands. It seems that metalheads consider music that is symphonic, melancholic or feminine to be gothic, or the mere fact that a band has a female singer apparently makes bands gothic. This logic has always bewildered me and I generally detest the idea of calling this style of metal "gothic."
Its really just what the genre was named - there is no explicit connection to goth rock or anything like that, but you can make up your own mind on that.

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I don't think there has to be a connection to goth rock, as even without that genre, gothic can still refer to literature, architecture, photography (etc.), and I believe it's still possible to incorporate this form of gothic into other forms of music. Image-aside, Cradle of Filth did this very well for years without having any real goth rock influences present in their music. However, I don't understand what makes 99% of "gothic metal" bands "gothic".