Controversial opinions on metal

Some of Obituary's albums seem fairly weak given their monstrous early output...
I'm a big fan of Cause of Death, Slowly We Rot, and World Demise, but after that I just dont enjoy much.
TEC and FiT are alright enough... not fantastic by any means.. Xectutioner's Return is flat out bad. BftD gets so many negative reviews I never bothered...

How is Darkest Day?
Some of Obituary's albums seem fairly weak given their monstrous early output...
I'm a big fan of Cause of Death, Slowly We Rot, and World Demise, but after that I just dont enjoy much.
TEC and FiT are alright enough... not fantastic by any means.. Xectutioner's Return is flat out bad. BftD gets so many negative reviews I never bothered...

How is Darkest Day?

Darkest Day is better than XR (which I thought was fucking terrible given the band's previous efforts), but it's still not WD quality IMO. I don't listen to BFTD much, but there's more good than bad in their discog. World Demise is my favorite from the band. Every song on that album fucking slays.
I agree that in theory one who has greater skill on an instrument can potentially write better music as they have a larger amount of things which they can draw on... however this is not always the case. It's certainly not the case with most tech/virtuoso metal bands because they are incessantly throwing in every guitar trick in the book. The music sounds more like a bunch of fast guitar exercises strewn together than an emotionally powerful song.

Of course it's only in theory, we know that it doesn't always work, though remember not everyone is looking for something emotional to connect to, If I did the estrogen would make me

"and you should be able to realize that your particular critique is absolutely trite and speaks not at all to anything significant about the album itself."

Only problem here is I addressed the songwriting, in fact I explained why it's a problem instead of simple say "Bad songwriting", I think you were just looking for a reason to talk to me, please don't.
"and you should be able to realize that your particular critique is absolutely trite and speaks not at all to anything significant about the album itself."

Only problem here is I addressed the songwriting, in fact I explained why it's a problem instead of simple say "Bad songwriting", I think you were just looking for a reason to talk to me, please don't.

Do you actually consider "double picking 2-3 notes" a valid and substantial criticism of a songwriting style? Is there something intrinsic about the specific technique that you mention that necessitates bad songwriting? Otherwise, no, you did not speak to the songwriting. That's like criticizing Immortal's Pure Holocaust for using tremelo picking. It doesn't actually say anything about the songwriting itself, but rather picking style of the notes. That's such a minute element of songwriting that it's hardly even worth mentioning when you're talking about the quality of songcraft. It's just a hammer with which to build a house. Who cares what tools you use? Look at the end result. And by the way, This dialogue started because you responded to something that I said, unprompted. I assure you that I would never make an excuse to talk to somebody from Ohio, because I have no interest in doing so when not inconvenient to avoid it.

edit: Ironically, you have a quote of mine in your signature about Immortal. Clearly you can't get enough of me. You must be looking for ways to get my attention. "Please don't".
Its still all a bit menstrual :(

Can you imagine the carnage if people from outside the metal scene were to join this debate? I think the UN would have to get involved...its like a civil war or something.

I listened to Leprosy yesterday and I gotta admit it bored the absolute tits off me. Maybe its just a natural was released in 1988...I don't think anyone can deny its influence...but things move just seems really bland in my opinion. Its like riding around in a horse and cart when you have a car. It doesn't make the horse and cart less valid...just a bit outdated and a novelty in comparison to something modern. People love novelty items. Its almost like some people think Chuck Schuldiner is some kind of martyr....which is really weird....
There's nothing weird about martyrdom. Well, nothing unusual at least. Just look at Quorthon's shitty band and the cult surrounding it.
Really? Cause I thought you were implying much more about the essence of the metal style and how progressive bands seem to suck because they dont utilize the same technique or content.

Well I still do imply that.

Otherwise I agree, bands who dont put thought into the content of their instrumentals are boring (ie. the music Thoth-Amon is trying to describe).

Malevolent Creation
Bolt Thrower

I own the full discogs of Death, Obituary and Suffocation. I need one more from Bolt Thrower for the full discog.

I'd say these bands have pretty consistent DM discographies:

Bolt Thrower
The Chasm

I like both Malevolent Creation and Obituary but they've released some average/weak albums imo.
In my opinion Immolation is the only long time death metal band that has released great albums from start to now. I know a lot of people would say the same thing about The Chasm, but I think they've had more ups and downs, even if their downs have never been that deep.
Actually Onder, outside of here they are pretty underrated. :p Underrated, and sometimes even unknown.
Guaranteed you say "Bolt Thrower" outside of really intense metal circles and you'll get a blank stare followed by someone asking if they're a power metal band. They SHOULD have a name as well-known as Suffocation or Cryptopsy, but it ain't even close.