Controversial opinions on metal

I've never grasped the extreme ends of this debate. Or the prog debate, for that matter. Being extremely good at your instruments doesn't make you write great songs. But playing instruments well doesn't mean you're a total wanker that can't write an interesting song, either. Some so-called tech or prog bands aren't worthy of the praise they receive. They're boring, whether they play well or not. But there are also some outstanding songwriters out there who - believe it or not - can also play with the best of them. Seems silly to me to roundly dismiss or embrace an entire genres based on one characteristic of the music, when a closer look may reveal a lot more variation among artists, a wide spectrum of both quality and lousy bands. But hey, that's just my take. You can both disagree and not be an asshole, surely as you can write a good song without being a guitar wizard.
It really escalated fast didn't it? It all got a bit menstrual. :)

Sometimes I feel people spend too much time trying to put bands into some obscure genre than just listening to the music and trying to enjoy it. I think its sad :(
wat? Those are two of the greatest old school death metal albums ever .... those two along with Morbid Angel's Chapel of Ghouls basically defined Death metal the time ... and i know some people are going to want to bring up Possessed(who were a bit thrashy), but those guys were fucking bums, horrible band.

Not saying they're bad, dude. May be the vocals that lend them that thrash vibe, though. I haven't even heard the later albums, so Schuldiner's voice may well sound different on those.
Seven Churches alone is worth more than Death's entire discography. One of the best death metal albums of all time, and for some reason largely forgotten amongst newer/younger fans of the genre. And for that matter, their entire discography is good. Sometimes I simply can't rationalize the way some of you people think. :erk:

It really is an exceptional album; sometimes I think people are deaf when they just think its second rate thrash or something. But I think its a stretch to say its worth more than Death's entire discography as both are essential DM. I prefer Possessed as well though tbh.

The name itself implies that the subgenre's main goal is something different than what I think makes metal good, and what should be the main goal imo - evil, heavy, dark music. All good death, black, thrash or heavy/doom metal meets these requirements, even if they accomplish it differently.

Pregressive styles of metal á'la metalcore, progmetal and techdeath all fail at it out of principle. People always say that you can't call entire genre shit, but I disagree with that and I truly dislike everything out of those, which is very rare as I always like atleast something even out of pop, hiphop, rap, country, classical, jazz, etc.

What an extremely simple and close minded perspective. I acknowledge that progressive metal has a different feel to it than the traditional metal approach, but I still do not understand how it fails to be appealing because of it. Does metal seriously have to be true to be good?

The whole "technical music doesnt mean its good" rhetoric is overused by secular metalheads imo and they seem to jump to conclusions when a band chooses to be technical/progressive rather than giving the actual music a chance. Or people try to objectify it's flaws when they simply just dont like the style.
I think people are forgetting that a band's music is their own expression. I generally don't find overly-technical music appealing but if a band wants to write music that is challenging, fulfilling, interesting or whatever it may be to them, then all the power to them. They're not writing music to appeal to everyone, nor should they, and they don't owe anyone anything.
"Seven Churches alone is worth more than Death's entire discography. One of the best death metal albums of all time"

Sorry if double picking 2-3 notes with bad production makes an album the best of the genre then there's a 1000 way tie between every death metal band still playing in their parent;s basement.....ever.

being skilled at an instrument doesn't mean you are skilled at writing memorable music.

It means there is greater potentual to do so. A musician that can only play 3 chords can not write 100s of memorable songs, so yes technical skill expands one's writing possiblities.
Sorry if double picking 2-3 notes with bad production makes an album the best of the genre then there's a 1000 way tie between every death metal band still playing in their parent;s basement.....ever.

The production is absolutely fine. In fact, it enhances the chilling atmosphere of the music. What makes the album so great is not the techniques used to convey the message and the atmosphere, but rather...well, the songwriting. The atmosphere. The gestalt, not the disassembled pieces. I'm not saying that you should agree with me that the album is one of the best death metal albums of all time, but you should at least be able to differentiate it from 1000 other bands, and you should be able to realize that your particular critique is absolutely trite and speaks not at all to anything significant about the album itself.
"Seven Churches alone is worth more than Death's entire discography. One of the best death metal albums of all time"

Sorry if double picking 2-3 notes with bad production makes an album the best of the genre then there's a 1000 way tie between every death metal band still playing in their parent;s basement.....ever.

It means there is greater potentual to do so. A musician that can only play 3 chords can not write 100s of memorable songs, so yes technical skill expands one's writing possiblities.

I agree that in theory one who has greater skill on an instrument can potentially write better music as they have a larger amount of things which they can draw on... however this is not always the case. It's certainly not the case with most tech/virtuoso metal bands because they are incessantly throwing in every guitar trick in the book. The music sounds more like a bunch of fast guitar exercises strewn together than an emotionally powerful song.
What I was trying to say basically, is that technicality shouldn't be the main goal.

Really? Cause I thought you were implying much more about the essence of the metal style and how progressive bands seem to suck because they dont utilize the same technique or content. Otherwise I agree, bands who dont put thought into the content of their instrumentals are boring (ie. the music Thoth-Amon is trying to describe).

and lol @ suggesting that Seven Churches is just 2 or 3 notes picked with bad production.