Controversial opinions on metal

I don't think there has to be a connection to goth rock, as even without that genre, gothic can still refer to literature, architecture, photography (etc.), and I believe it's still possible to incorporate this form of gothic into other forms of music. Image-aside, Cradle of Filth did this very well for years without having any real goth rock influences present in their music. However, I don't understand what makes 99% of "gothic metal" bands "gothic".

I believe it is the melodicity,poppyness,fancy-romancy lyrics, operatic vocals: women- soprano, man- tenor/bariton and eclectic clothing that define gothic... when it fullfills these criteria, then it is categorized as 'gothic metal'.

Though, I can see why these bands don't really sound very similar to old gothic bands (imo gothic rock sounds really close to pop/punk music, than anything else). But then again I only listen to some Sisters of Mercy and heard some Bauhaus...
I believe it is the melodicity,poppyness,fancy-romancy lyrics, operatic vocals: women- soprano, man- tenor/bariton and eclectic clothing that define gothic... when it fullfills these criteria, then it is categorized as 'gothic metal'.

Though, I can see why these bands don't really sound very similar to old gothic bands (imo gothic rock sounds really close to pop/punk music, than anything else). But then again I only listen to some Sisters of Mercy and heard some Bauhaus...

I think that's a good description of what people consider to be gothic metal but I still don't think I can agree the term. The romantic aspect I agree with, but I'm not sure melody and operatic vocals mean anything. I certainly wouldn't associate poppy-ness with anything gothic, and a band's image shouldn't really define anything in my opinion. I think this form of metal is perhaps too "ethereal" or "light" when I tend to think of gothic as having an inherent darker nature. But it's not just bands with female singers, I also don't understand why people consider Graveworm to be gothic.

However, I think it's fair to consider a band like Moonspell to be gothic metal, despite them having a wide array of influences.

And you should really explore goth rock and deathrock as there's lots of great music to be heard. :)
I don't consider gothic metal a genre, because it's only defined by the bands imagery and themes, not style of music. Symphonic metal, or maybe Gothic symphonic metal, could be genres, because those at least say something about the type of metal the band plays
I have to agree on that point. I feel like sometimes people do the same thing with other genres and band classifications. Primarily with one band in particular. Venom. To set the record straight Venom were never a black metal band and neither were Slayer. Just because a band dresses a certain way doesn't make them part of the genre.
I don't consider gothic metal a genre, because it's only defined by the bands imagery and themes, not style of music. Symphonic metal, or maybe Gothic symphonic metal, could be genres, because those at least say something about the type of metal the band plays

There isn't really much else that albums like Tiamat's Wildhoney, The Gathering's Mandylion, Saviour Machine's s/t, etc. can be called other than gothic metal.
Her material is technically much further on the rock side of things than metal, that said it is marketed more towards fans of metal, and is enjoyed moreso by metal fans than straight rock fans(especially in the states).

Yeah, she is a great singer.
I think Attila Csihar's vocals are weak and unintersting. They're eerie on Ordo Ad Chao at times, but usually they sound like a bored, apathetic old man especially on De Mysteriis.
I don't care for his vocals. Honestly its the only thing about De Mysteriis I don't like. I really prefered Dead and wish they had gotten a vocalist with a similar style/sound.
I don't care for his vocals. Honestly its the only thing about De Mysteriis I don't like. I really prefered Dead and wish they had gotten a vocalist with a similar style/sound.

You seriously think that album would've been better with run-of-the-mill screaming black metal vocals? IMO part of what makes DMDS memorable is the things about it that are a little weird and make people uncomfortable. What the hell would that album gain by having Dead on it? I simply can't comprehend how that would be better.
Nothing about Dead was that impressive anyway. Surely he played a big part in conceptualizing the genre, but in the context of vocal perfomance, meh.
I'm also going to jump in on the Attila vocal loving. It sounds more like I'm listening to some kind of evil creature, similar reason why I love Inquisition's vocals so much. In fact I'd even say that those two vocalists are two of the best black metal vocalists ever.
You seriously think that album would've been better with run-of-the-mill screaming black metal vocals? IMO part of what makes DMDS memorable is the things about it that are a little weird and make people uncomfortable. What the hell would that album gain by having Dead on it? I simply can't comprehend how that would be better.

attila sounds goofy.
Dead sounds evil.