Controversial opinions on metal

Emperor really doesn't grab me in the same way as vintage Burzum, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Immortal, Enslaved, and, on good days, even bands like Gorgoroth and Satyricon. Maybe one of these days I should do some critical reviewing though.
I remember when I first got into black metal, of all the classic groups, Emperor took me the longest to get into and appreciate. Definitely a band worth pursuing though.

Regarding Satyricon, it amazes me how they don't get the same amount of acclaim as their contemporaries. I know they may not be as significant to the scene as others but I think their best material is on par with any other. I don't care much for their last two albums, but their first few are solid.
I have a bias because Emperor is probably my favorite all-time black metal band, and Ihsahn is one of my all-time favorite musicians. I even like Peccatum, for fuck's sake. So, of course, I love ITNE, but all I ever hear is "ITNE is Emperor's only good album, herp de derp...", and I feel compelled to defend the rest of the discography, especially Anthems, which was an improvement over the previous album, imo. The way I see it, IX was a drastic stylistic shift. IX featured a highly polished production, and when you take into consideration all the things going on compositionally , it's not even a black metal album (lots of thrash, speed, and some power metal here and there). Prometheus is my least favorite, because it really lacked direction, much more so than IX did. The worst thing about Emperor's last 2 albums is that they blew their load far too early, as the songs got noticeably worse after tracks 3 or 4.
Alright, I'll explain why now. Maybe it's because it was the first real black metal album I heard but for me I just love the atmosphere I get from it. Even from the two Darkthrone albums after my brain doesn't set a similar setting that A Blaze gives me. Every time I listen to it I get an image of various satanic rituals happening in an extremely cold and frosty temperatures. Plus I love the various death metal like riffs but in a frosty black metal necro style.

That's the best trait of ABITNS. It's the most rhytmically accomplished BM album I've heard, almost like a sped down Immolation album in this regard.
Why not? It is probably the most compositionally complex of the bunch. Obviously composition, themes, and melodies are more relative, but I find them to be on par (honestly, with the exception of HLTO, above) the other albums mentioned.

The production is up for critique, but in the same way that the odd production of Transylvanian Hunger helps achieve a certain aesthetic, so does the production on Anthems.

I don't feel compositional complexity should be a factor at all. When I listen to BM (or any genre of music really), I don't listen for complexity, I listen for the atmosphere and feel created by the music... as I said, Emperor is great... the first two kick untold amounts of ass. But they just do not live up to the images in my mind that albums like HLTO, Filosofem, Transilvanian Hunger, De Mysteriis, etc, can create.
In Nightside teh Eclipse???


Sigged. :lol:
Why the fuck did you sig the cat? Ugh. Adblock, come here baby. What? Yeah, this fag.
I don't feel compositional complexity should be a factor at all. When I listen to BM (or any genre of music really), I don't listen for complexity, I listen for the atmosphere and feel created by the music... as I said, Emperor is great... the first two kick untold amounts of ass. But they just do not live up to the images in my mind that albums like HLTO, Filosofem, Transilvanian Hunger, De Mysteriis, etc, can create.

Yeah, I understand. The appeal of some albums (i.e. T. Hunger) is their simplicity. I pointed out the complexity because it is the only criterion for which there can actually be (more then less) a measure.

Otherwise its just a matter of aesthetic and opinion. Which is fine.
ITNE is a masterpiece. My fav BM album.
Anthems also kicks ass though is not as good as Nightside.
IX also kicks ass. And yes I consider it black metal. Not as good as the first two but still a great cd.
Prometheus is where Emperor begin to lose me... more of a prog metal album than a black metal album and too complex and pretentious for its own good. Still it has some gems on it.
Black metal sucks.

Deathcore 4 life.


ITNE is a masterpiece. My fav BM album.
Anthems also kicks ass though is not as good as Nightside.
IX also kicks ass. And yes I consider it black metal. Not as good as the first two but still a great cd.
Prometheus is where Emperor begin to lose me... more of a prog metal album than a black metal album and too complex and pretentious for its own good. Still it has some gems on it.

Some good points, but I just don't really think one can call IX: Equilibrium black metal in good conscience. There's very little black metal styled riffing going on, for one. It doesn't make IX a bad album, just not exactly black metal.
Black metal or not (its not IMO), but I find it boring as hell nowadays aside from a few tracks... used to love it but now... meh.
Watain's Casus Luciferi has way too much blasting. Sworn to the Dark and Lawless Darkness are much better.

Revelations of the Black Flame is my favorite 1349 album.

Bethlehem is pretty terrible except for Dark Metal which was just okay.