Controversial opinions on metal

NightsBane: The count would have been higher by then, but those were just my own personal facepalms. But sevag has saved the day.
Why? He wasn't sloppy, and he changed up his beats enough to keep it interesting. Not great, no, but he was good.

He was definitely sloppy. No technique at all. I remember reading that he had barely learned to play at all when they recorded Reek Of Putrefaction. He got better as they went on though.
Lo, this knight shall reveal'eth a truth that may shake each noble denizen of these Ultimate-Metal-Forums to ye very bones!!!

Ye odes of minstrels Halestorm contain hidden harmonies (undetected by ye ears at lesser amplitudes) that causeth a straightening of ye loin-sword in knights, and causeth comely wenches to discard their garments and revealeth theire nudely glories!


This post now concludeth!