Controversial opinions on metal

Dads a bitch
Mums a dickhead
Metal is for suicidal chronic masturbators
And chicks are for fags!

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I love twisted sister but i hate motley crue

I have always been a fan of lamb of god but i don't get anything out of bands that sound similar...
The "classic" Morbid Angel lineup and records really aren't that impressive. Sure they were very influential (obviously an important factor, i'm not necessarily hatin here) and I think there's *some* killer tracks (Blasphemy, that killer acoustic one from Blessed, Pain Divine) on them, but they were at their best once Vincent (who always had sellout tendencies) was gone. I'm mostly talking about FORMULAS. There's a reason why they don't play any of that stuff with Vincent these days, because he sucks compared to Tucker. "Classic" means fuck all in this case, they were really pushing the envelope on Formulas..Invocation, Hymn, Chambers...hello???..I'd listen to those over Altars any day. And I rate certain parts of Heretic pretty highly.

lol, funny im gonna have to disagree with everything you just said. I think Tucker was a good replacement when Dave Vincent started being corrupted by some means. But Tuckers albums, as a whole were much weaker and harder to listen to front to back. The instrumentals were interesting, but those to me are there to help give the album better pacing or break it up in a sense. I dont think Altars was their best either, but I will say that I feel Covenant was their best.

I think Cradle of Filth sucks and that all "Core" genres are terrible as a whole.
lol, funny im gonna have to disagree with everything you just said. I think Tucker was a good replacement when Dave Vincent started being corrupted by some means. But Tuckers albums, as a whole were much weaker and harder to listen to front to back. The instrumentals were interesting, but those to me are there to help give the album better pacing or break it up in a sense. I dont think Altars was their best either, but I will say that I feel Covenant was their best.

I think Cradle of Filth sucks and that all "Core" genres are terrible as a whole.

Agreed. Covenant is their best album. Cradle of Filth sucks balls and the "core" stuff is fucking awful as a whole.

I also believe Tucker did a fine job as MA vocalist.
I kind of want to have children for the experimentation value, but I think they're too filthy for me to want to deal with them, and having a wife would be a deal-breaker. If I could find a few genetically sound midwifes to carry my genetic information to fruition and some specialized servants to do all the cleaning and feeding and stuff, I might, though.
Well I recall it being at 7... but with the facepalm he got out of me yesterday, it's at 8. Feel free to add any whenever.