Controversial opinions on metal

all Sabbath is essential to very good, even Forbidden. Vitus is very good, though the Reagers albums are so much better than the Wino ones. Pentagram's only worthwhile material are the First Daze Here releases.

Wino is so overrated.
I wouldn't say First Daze Here is the only worthwhile thing Pentagram put out but it is certainly the best thing they put out
If you take the orchestra parts and keyboards out Watain and Dimmu Borgir sound a lot alike

If you take keyboards and orchestras out of Dimmu, it sounds like an annoying drum machine, few chords and a squeaky frog.

Metalcore is really annoying and it's hard to tell where one band stops and the next one starts

I really don't see this as a controversial opinion.
The "classic" Morbid Angel lineup and records really aren't that impressive. Sure they were very influential (obviously an important factor, i'm not necessarily hatin here) and I think there's *some* killer tracks (Blasphemy, that killer acoustic one from Blessed, Pain Divine) on them, but they were at their best once Vincent (who always had sellout tendencies) was gone. I'm mostly talking about FORMULAS. There's a reason why they don't play any of that stuff with Vincent these days, because he sucks compared to Tucker. "Classic" means fuck all in this case, they were really pushing the envelope on Formulas..Invocation, Hymn, Chambers...hello???..I'd listen to those over Altars any day. And I rate certain parts of Heretic pretty highly.
I've always wondered that Watain-Dissection-comparison. Rabid Death's Curse and Casus Luciferi have a slight Dissection-influence, but on the last two albums I hear basically nothing Dissection-esque.
I've always wondered that Watain-Dissection-comparison. Rabid Death's Curse and Casus Luciferi have a slight Dissection-influence, but on the last two albums I hear basically nothing Dissection-esque.

Agreed. Their Dissection influence is very little and totally absent in their last two albums.
Shovel Headed Kill Machine is a great album, and Souza is too busy sucking Bon Scott's dick to be a decent vocalist.