Controversial opinions on metal

I grabbed the newest album from Arizmenda to see what all the fuss about the Black Twilight Circle bands is about.

So what is all the fuss about?
I grabbed the newest album from Arizmenda to see what all the fuss about the Black Twilight Circle bands is about.

So what is all the fuss about?

AFAIK they're a bunch of circle wankers and shitty LLN-copies trying to act incredibly mysterious by forming some pointless club, which probably doesn't have anything to do with anything. Anyway they fucking suck, Volahn is decent, but that's about it. I also heard, they're so evil they spend time arguing with teenagers on internet.
The new Odz Manouk/Tukaaria split isnt bad either and is worth checking out imo. Havent heard the new Arizmenda but their other album isnt bad. Still, Black Twilight Circle is nothing compared to the LLN, I really dont understand their hype either.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the LLN is a joke too, and pretty godawful, although the good stuff from the LLN is truly great.

Cannabis Corpse > Cannibal Corpse.
Blood Red Throne and Severe Torture are actually great DM bands.
come on someone say something controversial. This thread has always kept me entertained


- Aside from (a very) few riffs and solos Dimebag & Pantera suck cock and are overrated
- Catchy melodies in metal (and of course in other genres as well) are awesome
- The Big 4 suck shit (Megadeth being the most tolerable), teutonic thrash is mostly miles better
- David Vincent > Steve Tucker any day
- Aside from the title track, Dechristianize isn't too special

I had a quite a few more, but then realized, that they weren't too controversial after all, like most USBM being shitty, 100% of metal/death/whatever-core sucking or thinking Ozzy's voice is great (though the music is).
- The Big 4 suck shit (Megadeth being the most tolerable), teutonic thrash is mostly miles better

Two of the three major Germanic thrash bands descended to inoffensive American-style shit after their first couple releases anyways. If you made an exception for Slayer and not Megadeth I could sort of see where you were coming from (being that Kreator and Sodom did little that Slayer didn't do first), but you didn't, so you are objectively wrong.
Necroraven: - Pantera kicks ass.
- The only shitty band of the big 4 is Failthrax
- Core can be good, one just has to be not a major fucking faggot to find bands to appreciate.
I wouldn't pick Power Metal over Cowboys, but yes, both are great. To disagree requires that one either a) hate tr00 metal and all it stands for or b) be a hypocrite.