Controversial opinions on metal

- The Secrets Of The Black Arts is one of the very best swedish black metal albums ever made
- new Setherial is not THAT bad
- Vince Neil is an awesome vocalist
They don't have to hold a candle to either of those albums, Necrovation bends them over and violates them.
Clandestine is seriously underrated around here, it blows everything else Entombed did out of the water, imo. I've never been able to sit through Left Hand Path from start to finish without getting bored by the monotony. Clandestine on the other hand keeps you on edge the entire time, with all the twists and turns in every song.

I also read an interview with Nicke where he talked about the charm of Clandestine being that, at a technical level, the band is playing just slightly above its abilities, resulting in some sort of extra 'soul' in the sound. I really agree that that's the case, and when you compare certain other more technically skilled bands' albums to it, they feel really sterile and unengaging. The same kind of wild energy can't really be created by instrumental wizards.
Clandestine is seriously underrated around here, it blows everything else Entombed did out of the water, imo. I've never been able to sit through Left Hand Path from start to finish without getting bored by the monotony. Clandestine on the other hand keeps you on edge the entire time, with all the twists and turns in every song.
Agree 100% on this, Clandestine is my favorite Entombed album and I've never figured out why people think it is bad. It is full of hit songs imo.