Controversial opinions on metal

First, I want to address the earlier posts and say the Panzerfaust is also my favorite Darkthrone album.
Second, I think the Norwegian black metal scene (of the mid 1990's especially) in general owes most of its sound to Morbid Angel and Bathory.
I used to overlook much of Darkthrone's mid-era material until I rediscovered it. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Plaguewielder, for example. That album is considered to be their worst, is it not? I think it's awesome.
In truth, a ton of important black metal albums are far less 'black metal' than people realize, or are willing to accept.

That only applies to the accepted aesthetic traits that have come to be associated with the sound. Early Bathory is no less Black Metal than Mayhem.

And Goatlord is an amazing album. If the vocals bother you that much, listen to the original instrumental version.
The instrumental Goatlord is pretty boss death metal tbh.

Also Darkthrone haven't really put out a bad album. FOAD is one of my favorites tbh; not Transilvanian Hunger or Under A Funeral Moon quality, but it's still an immensely rockin' album.
It's pretty obvious when you really listen to it actually. And I again reiterate that Goatlord is an awesome album. In fact I'm going to listen to it now. Anybody that takes issue with the actual music itself (not the vocals or production) and also likes Soulside Journey is a retard. Had Goatlord been recorded properly, it could have perhaps been the most genius thing the band had ever done.