Controversial opinions on metal

alright here we go

* Black Metal is Completely Unlistenable - the only real exception is Dissection. Bands like Immortal and Darkthrone are about as pleasing to the ear as stabbing oneself in the ear with a butcher knife

* I prefer bathory's viking metal stuff to their black metal stuff by a huge margin

* Later metallica (load and reload) is still pretty good

* A lot of early death metal bands suck dick. Early suffocation and many other bands really suck - the production is just awful and the music sounds like it's played by some kids in a garage. I prefer 1993-1998 death metal over anything else (death, gorguts, dismember, etc...)

* Michael Romeo is top 3 best guitarists ever and Symphony X is the best metal band in the world right now
You can feel free to ignore Mort. He had to pause the not metal he was listening to at the moment to reply to your metal tastes.

Load/Reload aren't really metal though so those don't even qualify.

LOL @ Symphony X though.
LOL @ Symphony X though.

pretty much everything you want in metal

Great instrumental skill, amazing vocals, lots of catchy melodies, insane solos, good versataille songwriting. I can listen to their albums over and over again and not get bored

Their last album sucks though, Odyssey was their last really awesome album (which I like about as much as anything ever released by Iron Maiden or Judas Priest)
You can feel free to ignore Mort. He had to pause the not metal he was listening to at the moment to reply to your metal tastes.

Load/Reload aren't really metal though so those don't even qualify.

LOL @ Symphony X though.

You say as I was listening to Deathevokation.
alright here we go

* Black Metal is Completely Unlistenable - the only real exception is Dissection. Bands like Immortal and Darkthrone are about as pleasing to the ear as stabbing oneself in the ear with a butcher knife

* I prefer bathory's viking metal stuff to their black metal stuff by a huge margin

* Later metallica (load and reload) is still pretty good

* A lot of early death metal bands suck dick. Early suffocation and many other bands really suck - the production is just awful and the music sounds like it's played by some kids in a garage. I prefer 1993-1998 death metal over anything else (death, gorguts, dismember, etc...)

* Michael Romeo is top 3 best guitarists ever and Symphony X is the best metal band in the world right now

This last statement is so absurd I can only assume that you have not listened to the new Vektor.
The absurdity being that the Vektor guy is one of the top 3 best guitarists ever, or that they're the best band in the world right now based on an album that's been available for a few weeks?
alright here we go

* Black Metal is Completely Unlistenable - the only real exception is Dissection. Bands like Immortal and Darkthrone are about as pleasing to the ear as stabbing oneself in the ear with a butcher knife

* I prefer bathory's viking metal stuff to their black metal stuff by a huge margin

* Later metallica (load and reload) is still pretty good

* A lot of early death metal bands suck dick. Early suffocation and many other bands really suck - the production is just awful and the music sounds like it's played by some kids in a garage. I prefer 1993-1998 death metal over anything else (death, gorguts, dismember, etc...)

* Michael Romeo is top 3 best guitarists ever and Symphony X is the best metal band in the world right now

alright here we go

* Black Metal is Completely Unlistenable - the only real exception is Dissection. Bands like Immortal and Darkthrone are about as pleasing to the ear as stabbing oneself in the ear with a butcher knife

It really isn't controversial to dislike a genre. Especially for a genre that most of the worlds population couldn't tolerate.

* I prefer bathory's viking metal stuff to their black metal stuff by a huge margin

Well you don't like black metal so that's not surprising.

* Later metallica (load and reload) is still pretty good

Too halfhearted to really be controversial. Now if you said Load was a masterpiece THAT would be controversial.
How about this: considering the evolution of metal, the early bands and albums from the seventies and early eighties aren't even metal at all. Under this theory, the first metal album (album which included modern metal characteristics) was probably Ride The Lightning or perhaps Powerslave.
Bear in mind that I'm not convinced of this theory myself, and I admit it could be total bullshit. I just wanted to put something weird out there.
How about this: considering the evolution of metal, the early bands and albums from the seventies and early eighties aren't even metal at all. Under this theory, the first metal album (album which included modern metal characteristics) was probably Ride The Lightning or perhaps Powerslave.
Bear in mind that I'm not convinced of this theory myself, and I admit it could be total bullshit. I just wanted to put something weird out there.

Define "modern metal characteristics".
So Black Metal, Into Glory Ride, Bathory, Show No Mercy, and Heaven and Hell are not metal? I call bullshit on that.

But if I understand what you're getting at, you're saying that the early releases from Sabbath, Priest, and Motorhead (probably the first three big metal bands) would today be considered rock music.

To that I say

Rock the hell on

But certainly a lot of the stuff they were releasing was pretty close to rock, I'll give you that. Certainly the edges of metal and hard rock overlapped a lot, such as with a good deal of glam.

I mean, that's not quite power metal but you can hear the resemblance.
And obviously a lot of metal bands were using typical rock song structures all along, and blues-based solos and riffs. It's tough to establish a clean division between rock and metal at the edges there. But I would say that if it makes you want to bang your head against the stage like you never did before, then it's metal.
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I'm not really hearing anything resembling power metal in that song. You should have posted something from the first two Europe albums instead. But it's silly to ponder upon the metalness of the bands that pioneered metal in the 70's retrospectively when the gates of true have been thoroughly destroyed by the savages of black metal and the inhabitants raped by its ambient/shoegaze/folk kin.
WAIF, you got exactly what I was trying to say, and I agree. I mean, it seems to me that it took many years before another band equaled "Symptom Of The Universe" in heaviness, but still, heavy metal in the 70's had a very warm guitar tone with not a whole lot of distortion. Drum beats were pretty standard 4/4 waltz style until thrash metal gave us triplet and "skank" beats. Even clean vocals (I'm ignoring screams and growls because that's too obvious) changed a lot from the 70's to the 80's. I'm just wondering if at some point a distinction needs to be made. To use rock 'n' roll as an example, Little Richard was considered rock in the 1950's, but I doubt too many people would categorize his "piano riff WOOO" shit as rock these days.
I'm not really hearing anything resembling power metal in that song. You should have posted something from the first two Europe albums instead. But it's silly to ponder upon the metalness of the bands that pioneered metal in the 70's retrospectively when the gates of true have been thoroughly destroyed by the savages of black metal and the inhabitants raped by its ambient/shoegaze/folk kin.

How about this: considering the evolution of metal, the early bands and albums from the seventies and early eighties aren't even metal at all. Under this theory, the first metal album (album which included modern metal characteristics) was probably Ride The Lightning or perhaps Powerslave.

Metal has been a gradual evolution over time says me, we could sit here and argue over which came first the chicken or the egg.

However I would like to add something of my own to the conversation by saying that punk music basically gave metal it's balls back in the eighties and is probably the most important influence on the entire genre as a whole. The only subgenre of metal that I can think of that isn't influenced by punk is doom metal or in some cases power metal. Correct me if I'm wrong though and I probably am.....