Controversial opinions on metal

How? Saying that Judas Priest is more original and more compositionally sophisticated and that Rob Halford is a technically superior vocalist to Dickinson or Di'Anno would be a fairly objective statement, even if you choose to side with the more obviously commercial band.

That's ridiculous.
Averse Sefira is probably the best "modern" black metal band. Their musical output is significantly better than anything by Deathspell Omega, Funeral Mist or any other related or similar bands and their lyrics are also far less stupid even though many will find them pretentious.
I'd have to think about it (and it also depends on the definition of "modern"), but I'm not prepared to disagree with that at the moment. They're certainly one of the best. I would slightly favor Inquisition if they count, though. I also still need to hear the new Mgla. Wrath kind of behaves like a fag sometimes though, especially on facebook.
Averse Sefira just seems too samey for me. I'd put DsO, Inquisition, BAN, and a few other bands above them by quite a bit.

Burzum's new sound is shit, and I'm a huge fan of Burzum.

Municipal Waste is a incredibly boring band.

"Modern" Death Metal is pretty shitty. I'm talking about Fleshgod Apocalypse and shit in that style. Shit like Ignivomous still rules.

In Flames and Soilwork are both still incredibly catchy fun bands.

Deathcore, metalcore, and post-hardcore, while not being metal persay, are decent, fun, and catchy genres of music at a base level.

Nile sucks.
Antaeus is actually one of the better french black metal bands.

Carnage's Dark Recollections is superior to every album Dismember ever dropped, not that it's a slight against Dismembers quality or anything, they've still had multiple great albums.
Dodens Grav said:
I'd have to think about it (and it also depends on the definition of "modern"), but I'm not prepared to disagree with that at the moment. They're certainly one of the best. I would slightly favor Inquisition if they count, though. I also still need to hear the new Mgla. Wrath kind of behaves like a fag sometimes though, especially on facebook.

Inquisition is up there as well. Dagon is an amazing man.
I don't really care for anything Nile's done since In Their Darkened Shrines. That album had great atmosphere and a prominent use of eastern scales that set it apart from the pack. Ever since then it's been wanky tech stuff and pretty sterile rehashes of their longer numbers. Not bad, and worth a spin now and then, but nothing special.
Yeah son, Deathcore and Metalcore are cool and Nile sucks. That's a fantastic conclusion.


Averse Sefira, Aosoth and Inquisition are all excellent BM bands.

Oh, it is a fantastic conclusion. I'd rather listen to something fun and catchy then a band who've been regurgitating the same shit since Black Seeds, with a muddy as hell awful guitar tone and riff salads a plenty.

Averse Sefira is decent, but boring. Aosoth is amazing, deserves more listeners.
Averse Sefira is probably the best "modern" black metal band. Their musical output is significantly better than anything by Deathspell Omega, Funeral Mist or any other related or similar bands and their lyrics are also far less stupid even though many will find them pretentious.

The direction Katharsis has been taking I feel places them firmly atop modern black metal.

Ascension if they can continue the level of quality from their demos and full length will run away with that title though.
This should not be controversial. Add Toxic Holocaust too.

Municipal Waste are alright at what they do ... short, fun crossover party thrash. IMO most crossover-thrash tends to get boring after a couple spins.

... and the last Toxic Holocaust album kicks major ass. Grind's best work by far.

edit: and Nile is fucking awesome. From Whom The Gods Detest is a monster of an album and one of 09's best ... also, it sounds almost nothing like Black Seeds(dont know how someone with a working pair of ears could even come up with that conclusion). I just dont understand the hate they seem to get on these boards from certain users.
The direction Katharsis has been taking I feel places them firmly atop modern black metal.

Ascension if they can continue the level of quality from their demos and full length will run away with that title though.

(The new) Katharsis is indeed beyond amazing.

Ascension is good, but overrated IMO.
Katharsis is getting really overrated lately. People are trying to tell me that they've put out even a single album better than Engram. I don't even know why they'd compare them to Beherit, but if you're rating them against that album and what it accomplishes, they are insignificant.
Engram is a milestone in the development of electronic ambient-influenced black metal and is more than worthy. It's probably the best black metal album released during the 2000s. There are no other albums, even counting albums by Beherit, that have the same kind of sound or perfect mix of electronic music and black metal without any clichés from the current state of either genre. However, it is not really an accessible or catchy album.