Controversial opinions on metal

The direction Katharsis has been taking I feel places them firmly atop modern black metal.

Ascension if they can continue the level of quality from their demos and full length will run away with that title though.

I'm surprised you know Ascension.
Dodens Grav said:
I just realized that you're the same person as Sefira.

I thought that the PM that I sent you explaining that I changed my name was a good indicator of this.

I made Thralldom on and decided to use it here as well.
Municipal Waste are alright at what they do ... short, fun crossover party thrash. IMO most crossover-thrash tends to get boring after a couple spins.

... and the last Toxic Holocaust album kicks major ass. Grind's best work by far.

edit: and Nile is fucking awesome. From Whom The Gods Detest is a monster of an album and one of 09's best ... also, it sounds almost nothing like Black Seeds(dont know how someone with a working pair of ears could even come up with that conclusion). I just dont understand the hate they seem to get on these boards from certain users.

Nile may have progressed since Black Seeds, but the general song structure and style is still intact. In Their Darkened Shrines is a decent album at best, same with Annihilation of the Wicked, but everything before and after has been incredibly boring. It tested my patience just to get through a few tracks of From Whom The Gods Detest. I can respect and appreciate them for their great musicianship, and their interesting lyrical approach/aestethics, but I just can't enjoy them.
Engram is a milestone in the development of electronic ambient-influenced black metal and is more than worthy. It's probably the best black metal album released during the 2000s. There are no other albums, even counting albums by Beherit, that have the same kind of sound or perfect mix of electronic music and black metal without any clichés from the current state of either genre. However, it is not really an accessible or catchy album.

I agree with this statement. On the surface, the music is pretty one-dimensional, but after repeated listens, you can hear the depth of the songs and all the layers.
I would pick the last minute or so of "Bridges" as the ultimate Warning moment. This of course requires having listened to everything that precedes it in the song.

Gotta put that last verse and outro riff of 40 Watt Sun's "Restless" up there with those moments as well.
Princess of the Dawn is an uneventful hard rock song, and one that is probably two minutes overlong at that. I think that its simplicity and repetition must make it stick in peoples minds, which makes it easy to namedrop and put in top 10 lists for a band that only had a handful of excellent songs to begin with.
Well, obviously it rules. It's Saint Vitus. C.O.D. rules. But I honestly believe over half of the Saint Vitus fans I know say Die Healing is their best, hence I believe it's overrated.