Controversial opinions on metal

My 4 possibly controversial opinions on metal, that kinda go hand in hand:

1. Most "true" black metal only sounds evil, savage, or dark in 30 second iTunes samples. The songs themselves are repetitive and boring as fuck, and go absolutely nowhere, which completely kills the aggressive nature. This is true of even the so-called "brutal" black metal bands, such as Dark Funeral, Marduk, and 1349.

2. That being said, Burzum and Xasthur are amazing, because they don't try to come off as aggressive. The "droning" type of songwriting works for that.

3. Nile's album "In Their Darkened Shrines" is at least ten times darker, more epic, eerier, and it has more evocative power than any "true" black metal album I've yet heard (other than the two bands mentioned in #2). This is because they keep things interesting, change the riffs around, and then use epic moments to highlight the song and provide a contrast to the brutality.

4. Hell, I've yet to hear a band that can evoke an atmosphere and give me goosebumps in ways that Nile's (BSOV-Shrines) music can.
I actually somewhat agree with Nile. Both Nile and Behemoth are fucking great bands (at least some of their stuff is). I could go on about this but I'm drunk and too busy listening to Pagan Altar to give a fuck.
Agree with the Nile stuff, BSOV/Shrines is just as, if not more, "occult" and "dark" sounding than bands like Necros Christos or whoever (not that Necros Christos isn't a good band though...).
Hey, I've outgrown the really techy and well produced stuff on Ithyphallic and the like, but I just don't think there's any denying that an album like BSOV has a dark, 'occult' sound.
It most definitly does have a dark 'occult' sound...But, if I am in the mood for something dark, that will be one of the last things that comes to mind to put on because there is a slew of other shit Id rather listen to.
The only Nile album I care for is In Their Darkened Shrines, but it's one hell of an album. Very atmospheric, very fucking dark, and they actually do something with all that musicianship instead of just jerking themselves off for 60 minutes like on every album since.

I suppose my controversial opinion for tonight is that I just don't get Voivod. I have Dimension Hatross and Killing Technology, and both of them are just unpleasant to listen to. I see what they're trying to do, with the cold futuristic machine shit and whatnot, I just don't really like it. Definitely very creative and very skilled, but not my cup of thrash.
The only Nile album I care for is In Their Darkened Shrines, but it's one hell of an album. Very atmospheric, very fucking dark, and they actually do something with all that musicianship instead of just jerking themselves off for 60 minutes like on every album since.

In Their Darkened Shrines is definitely my favorite too. Very good album.
...I suppose my controversial opinion for tonight is that I just don't get Voivod. I have Dimension Hatross and Killing Technology, and both of them are just unpleasant to listen to. I see what they're trying to do, with the cold futuristic machine shit and whatnot, I just don't really like it. Definitely very creative and very skilled, but not my cup of thrash.
What a shame. Have you tried their later stuff? Nothingface, Angel Rat, The Outer Limits, Katorz?
Agreed about those Voivod albums. The only ones that were of any listenable quality for me were Angelrat, Outer Limits and Katorz.

Nothingface is overrated.
Nothingface is easily among the very greatest progressive metal albums ever. Anyone that disagrees is a false.

EDIT: For a new controversial opinion, Killer is the best Riot song (that I've heard) and an excellent proof of concept for funk metal.
As much as I generally prefer black metal to death metal, and as much as I love Behemoth's black metal work, their death metal is superior.
As much as I generally prefer black metal to death metal, and as much as I love Behemoth's black metal work, their death metal is superior.

I've only ever really listened to "From the Pagan Vastlands" as far as their overtly black metal stuff goes. From that perspective I agree, even though that might not be fair because obviously, it's an early demo, and I've already written a lot about why I don't find most black metal deserving of the hype.

Still, I'm glad they developed away from sounding as norwegian as possible.
Behemoth has written some of the most sterile, uninteresting death metal this side of post-Winds of Creation Decapitation.
I prefer Behemoth's black metal phase, and Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic) to anything else they've done.
1. Newer In Flames kicks unbelievable amounts of ass

2. Iron Maiden's best album is 'A Matter of Life and Death'

3. Cannibal Corpse is grossly overrated and one of the most uninteresting death metal bands around. That being said, they do have some good tunes. I just don't get the hype.

4. Morbid Angel is also overrated, albeit good.

5. Burzum is terrible

6. Transylvanian Hunger might be the most overrated album of all time.

7. Blind Gaurdian is terrible and there isn't a single good thing about them

8. I perfer Anette to Tarja. Anette is far more versitile than Tarja ever was and the latest Nightwish album is conclusive proof of that.

9. I like and prefer the new direction Sonata Arctica took starting with 'Unia'

10. The so called "Dual Attack" of K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton is the most over-used and cliched phrase used when people talk about Judas Priest. Nothing these guys did together was ever that interesting or even came close to justifying the amount of praise they get. Wow, one guy plays rhythm during the others' solo. Oh wow, a medicore guitar harmony every now and then... great. Very overrated as musicians and as a band.
I've only ever really listened to "From the Pagan Vastlands" as far as their overtly black metal stuff goes. From that perspective I agree, even though that might not be fair because obviously, it's an early demo, and I've already written a lot about why I don't find most black metal deserving of the hype.

Still, I'm glad they developed away from sounding as norwegian as possible.

...And The Forests Dream Eternally and Grom are fucking amazing. But totally eclipsed by Demigod, The Apostasy, Evangelion, Zos Kia Cultus, etc.

Behemoth has written some of the most sterile, uninteresting death metal this side of post-Winds of Creation Decapitation.


1. Newer In Flames kicks unbelievable amounts of ass

2. Iron Maiden's best album is 'A Matter of Life and Death'

3. Cannibal Corpse is grossly overrated and one of the most uninteresting death metal bands around. That being said, they do have some good tunes. I just don't get the hype.

4. Morbid Angel is also overrated, albeit good.

5. Burzum is terrible

6. Transylvanian Hunger might be the most overrated album of all time.

7. Blind Gaurdian is terrible and there isn't a single good thing about them

8. I perfer Anette to Tarja. Anette is far more versitile than Tarja ever was and the latest Nightwish album is conclusive proof of that.

9. I like and prefer the new direction Sonata Arctica took starting with 'Unia'

10. The so called "Dual Attack" of K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton is the most over-used and cliched phrase used when people talk about Judas Priest. Nothing these guys did together was ever that interesting or even came close to justifying the amount of praise they get. Wow, one guy plays rhythm during the others' solo. Oh wow, a medicore guitar harmony every now and then... great. Very overrated as musicians and as a band.
You're a faggot of herculean proportions.
1. Newer In Flames kicks unbelievable amounts of ass

2. Iron Maiden's best album is 'A Matter of Life and Death'

3. Cannibal Corpse is grossly overrated and one of the most uninteresting death metal bands around. That being said, they do have some good tunes. I just don't get the hype.

10. The so called "Dual Attack" of K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton is the most over-used and cliched phrase used when people talk about Judas Priest. Nothing these guys did together was ever that interesting or even came close to justifying the amount of praise they get. Wow, one guy plays rhythm during the others' solo. Oh wow, a medicore guitar harmony every now and then... great. Very overrated as musicians and as a band.
All wrong, iron maidens first 5 albums are way better than the rest.

Cannibal Corpse is one of the most popular death metal bands for a reason, they are much "groovier" than most death metal bands and are easy to headbang to.

"Medicore guitar harmony" are you serious? Have you ever heard the painkiller solo? Lets see you play that if its so easy.