Controversial opinions on metal

If it is from The Red Chord it certainty isn't Clients. Fused Together in Revolving Doors is so much better than Clients. Shit, even Prey For Eyes was better than Clients.
Manowar do have too much of what Alina called gay pathos,despite being very very good, when they're good. They're also on the road to making shit albums for the rest of their career.
Best deathcore is Despised Icon - The Healing Process or The Red Chord - Clients tbh.

I always found DI massively overrated. Like, I never understood why they were the "acceptable" deathcore band. Their music never had any textures to it, it was always every single instrument going at the same time in lockstep and it made the music sound thin as piss. All Shall Perish's early albums were miles above, IMO.

Even motherfucking Acacia Strain, a band that basically advertises that their music is "stupid angry," figured out how to have layers going on.
The only deathcore bands I like are the lesser known ones, and it's not because I'm being an elitist hipster, it's because those are the good ones. Like Thy Art is Murder and Depths of Hatred, for example. Begging for Incest, while considered slam, are turning more and more into a deathcore band.
Between The Buried and Me's Alaska album and Fused Together in Revolving Doors by The Red Chord are probably the only more popular deathcore albums I'm into.
As for Manowar, I like them a lot, but would never consider myself a "fan".
There isn't good thing I can hear/see in this video, terrible vocals, the members look fucking retarded, guitar tone is awful, no riffs with any groove, and the instruments don't seen "even" at all, sounds like a big mess...

Or any of their songs to be honest.

You know what? I'm even having a hard time believing that those vocals are coming out of the kids mouth, seriously though he looks like hes in high school to me...
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I've never been able to get into deathcore. To me it just sounds like shitty overproduced modern death metal with a twist. I'm not saying that there aren't any good bands, but I certainly haven't heard them. The overproduction in deathcore is truly fucking astounding though. I'm not even sure pop or hip hop can boast that much overproduction.
There isn't good thing I can hear/see in this video, terrible vocals, the members look fucking retarded, guitar tone is awful, no riffs with any groove, and the instruments don't seen "even" at all, sounds like a big mess...

Or any of their songs to be honest.

You know what? I'm even having a hard time believing that those vocals are coming out of the kids mouth, seriously though he looks like hes in high school to me...

Yeah, I hate that song. I'm not so much opposed to a ton of effects and sterile production (I like Dimmu Borgir after all), but there is definitely a lack of hook and groove in the songs of bands like Despised Icon, Suicide Silence, and White Chapel. I'll stick with slam death, which to me is pretty much deathcore with a strong focus on groove. Much more pleasing to listen too.
I always found DI massively overrated. Like, I never understood why they were the "acceptable" deathcore band. Their music never had any textures to it, it was always every single instrument going at the same time in lockstep and it made the music sound thin as piss. All Shall Perish's early albums were miles above, IMO.

Even motherfucking Acacia Strain, a band that basically advertises that their music is "stupid angry," figured out how to have layers going on.

I liked the relative simplicity of their music and lack of cheese.

99% of anything with "-core" attached to it is fucking lame as hell.

Bullshit. There is tons of great Hardcore & Grindcore. Deathcore/metalcore is over now anyway so yeah.