Controversial opinions on metal

99% of anything with "-core" attached to it is fucking lame as hell.

I can understand when metal heads cannot accept music like deathcore, or god forbid some good fucking hardcore...But when it they dismiss grindcore, Ill never fucking understand it. Maybe Im just too fucking polarized to see their point of view because Im fucking a grindy dirty crusty at heart, but I fucking love this shit.

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Bonded by Blood is quintessential thrash metal material. And people who still give a shit about the "Big 4" need to not be 15 years old.
Bonded by Blood is quintessential thrash metal material. And people who still give a shit about the "Big 4" need to not be 15 years old.

This, but...Bonded By Blood being good enough to place Exodus above the few great Metallica albums? Hell no. And Kreator isn't from the US :erk: That being said, Pleasure To Kill is wonderful but Destruction is better ;)
I got bored with thrash metal about 10 years ago. The only good thrash I've heard lately was Morbid Saint, and that was because I never listened to them in the 80's or had an opportunity to do so until I spent a bored evening browsing YouTube.
The big four was/is about popularity, not quality. So the big four shouldn't be anything other than what it already is. They are the big four because they were the four most popular thrash metal bands through its heyday.

This post should be auto-posted every time someone mentions who 'should have been' in the big four.