Controversial opinions on metal

I'd probably rather listen to Anthrax than Tankard tbh, at least if we're talking about overall discographies. Persistence of Time is actually a pretty good album, and I like the trad/power influence on Spreading the Disease.

And SHKM is pretty boring. Tempo of the Damned ftw.

And Grin has an outstanding production but eh.

Agreed, but since he said "every album" I assumed that he either never listened to it or was excluding it out of non-thrashiness. Lately I've been enjoying it even a little more than Mental Vortex.
Souza and his bad Bon Scott impersonation ruin Tempo of the Damned. And I used to be in love with that album. Now I can't stomach it.
Yeah, Gung-Ho is a good song. Most of that album is at least good. It's the fact that their most identifiable and popular album is also nearly their worst that makes them such an easy target.

^ Never got into Anthrax, the vocals sound awful to me. I'd rather listen to any other thrash band, you name it.

Slammer. Re-Animator. Acid Reign. Probably any other light American-style UK thrash band.
Anyone who claims that an entire subgenre is bad has relinquished any credibility they have in discussing music. You can say you're not a fan of a certain sound, but to claim they're all bad? Nope, sorry. You lose.

I don't like thrash, folk, or viking metal but I recognize that a lot of those bands are enormously talented. You might not like deathcore, but like anything else, there's quality buried in there.