Controversial opinions on metal

moving away from the thrash talk for a minute, if Iced Earth had a GOOD singer they would be perhaps the best power metal band out there, your thoughts?
Steering away from the Iced Earth discussion because its been over-discussed...

Been listening to a lot of Bolt Thrower lately, getting excited for MDF next year and they are seriously the most prolific Death Metal act around. Album after album, everything theyve released has been fucking stellar. The only other current Death Metal band I could lump with their track record would be Immolation, but I dont even think they match up to Bolt Thrower...

I cant think of another current Death Metal band that has such an impressive track record.
I'd rather have a couple of monolithic albums ala Morbid Angel/Incantation than a track record of pretty above average stuff though.
^The Chasm


The Chasm blows Bolt Thrower and Immolation out of the water.

The last 3 Immolation albums have been mediocre with Harnessing Ruin being bad.

Bolt Thrower hasn't released anything bad, but nothing outside of Realm of Chaos sticks out as incredible. They're just consistently putting out good albums.

The Chasm has been consistently releasing stellar albums.
I don't really think The Chasm blows Bolt Thrower out of the water.

I love The Chasm and they've never released anything bad, but they're truly a band I have to be in the mood to listen to. I will always listen to Bolt Thrower more because their version of death metal is death metal candy. It flat out kicks ass and its easy to listen to.
^The Chasm

The Chasm blows Bolt Thrower and Immolation out of the water.

The last 3 Immolation albums have been mediocre with Harnessing Ruin being bad.

Ive never really been able to get on The Chasm train, everytime Ive listened to them it doesnt do much for me... ::ducks::

I will always listen to Bolt Thrower more because their version of death metal is death metal candy. It flat out kicks ass and its easy to listen to.

Well said.
They've had plenty of good singers. That's the one thing they haven't lacked in, debut aside.

In what reality is Matt Barlow a good singer? he's terrible, an improvement on the vocalist on Night Of The Stormrider but still dreadful, the only good singer they've had was Tim "Ripper" Owens but of course by then they'd become poor musically so he was never going to last

Chris Poland, best guitar player to associate with Megadeth, your thoughts?
Yeah Bolt Thrower is definitely more straight forward death metal and much easier to get into. Both have flawless discographies though. Definitely enjoying The Chasm more atm.
Yeah I had to add the Incantation stuff there so no one thought I was serious. I have a point though, that album gathers the best elements of both bands.
In what reality is Matt Barlow a good singer? he's terrible, an improvement on the vocalist on Night Of The Stormrider but still dreadful, the only good singer they've had was Tim "Ripper" Owens but of course by then they'd become poor musically so he was never going to last

I actually agree with this. Barlow, in my opinion, has too melodramatic of an approach; akin to Mark Vanderbilt when he used to sing for Kamelot. I prefer Owens.
Agreed. Owens over Barlow. I was never an Iced Earth fan, but I thoroughly enjoyed Glorious Burden more than the earlier material.