Controversial opinions on metal

Agreed. Owens over Barlow. I was never an Iced Earth fan, but I thoroughly enjoyed Glorious Burden more than the earlier material.
I'm getting tired of listening to what would otherwise be a great song/album that is completely ruined by a shitty vocalist and horrible vocals in generals (ideas, melodies, etc).

Exhibit A:


The vocals on this album are amateurish at best. It's just fucking horrible. GOD
Nah, Cirith Ungol is a case where over-the-top-ness is a good thing. I don't think he's necessarily the best they could have had, though.

Kreator's 'industrial' albums are the only ones I can think of that are actually made near-unlistenable due to bad vocals.
I'm getting tired of listening to what would otherwise be a great song/album that is completely ruined by a shitty vocalist and horrible vocals in generals (ideas, melodies, etc).

Exhibit A:


The vocals on this album are amateurish at best. It's just fucking horrible. GOD

I would never listen to that based on the band name / album art alone.
He was talking about lame band names that are much worse than Cirith Ungol.

Shining sucks just from the lame publicity stunt that their woe-is-me twat of a lead singer pulled a few years back. A shame it was just for publicity and not true. That's almost as bad as Velvet Cacoon.
He was talking about lame band names that are much worse than Cirith Ungol.

Shining sucks just from the lame publicity stunt that their woe-is-me twat of a lead singer pulled a few years back. A shame it was just for publicity and not true. That's almost as bad as Velvet Cacoon.

Cirith Ungol is a LotR reference. One, I absolutely hate that boring book. Two, I think it's incredibly lame to name your band after a fantasy reference. That's my problem with that name.

Lifelover is a pretty silly name, I'd almost call them a guilty pleasure because they don't really have many of the typical elements I find interesting in a band. I'm not usually a fan of drum machines, for instance. For some reason though, they give me a strong emotional reaction, especially the Erotik and Konkurs albums.

Alcest isn't a bad name, not sure what it means. Same with Agrypnie. Not sure what that means.

Peste Noire is a great name. Les Discrets is fine, not a really great name but whatever.

I read the explanation for the name Shining and I found it a bit silly. I did spend a few years hearing about Shining before I listened to them.

What's the Shining publicity stunt, btw? I don't really keep up on what bands do in the metal scene. I think Shining's music videos are fucking atrocious however.
Agrypnie was one I got really tired of pretty quickly (not a fan of the vocal processing and the drum machine sounded too mechanical) but the others are awesome. Shining is motherfucking fantastic. V - Halmstad is a masterpiece.

Shining is possibly one of the worst 'big name' black metal bands around today. I might actually willingly listen to Krallice or Liturgy before them.
Shining is possibly one of the worst 'big name' black metal bands around today. I might actually willingly listen to Krallice or Liturgy before them.

All those bands are kinda gay-ish, but I think that putting Krallice and Liturgy together in one sentence is a strech. I know first Krallice album and it stands out among all of those other faggot bands that you're discussing.