Controversial opinions on metal

They have good songs, but not really full albums, from what I've heard. I liked them for a while but that was before I listened to metal really critically.
You destroy any credibility you might have with every second...

What kind of credibility does anyone really need to post outrageously stupid shit in this thread? This is ultimate metal, where you're somehow in the minority for liking cannibal corpse and iced earth. The place where liking untrue metal is frowned upon, but talking about retarded shit like pop music and penis metal is okay so long as you profess your love for The Chasm. FUCK.
You destroy any credibility you might have with every second...

For hating on LotR? It's terrible. It's bloated, there's no character development, every single plot conflict is resolved with a deus ex machina, etc. Easily one of the worst books I've ever read. The fact that I can articulate what I find displeasing about the work and that you can only respond with insults says everything.
What kind of credibility does anyone really need to post outrageously stupid shit in this thread? This is ultimate metal, where you're somehow in the minority for liking cannibal corpse and iced earth. The place where liking untrue metal is frowned upon, but talking about retarded shit like pop music and penis metal is okay so long as you profess your love for The Chasm. FUCK.

Fuck every single shitty band you just listed. Cannibal Corpse is bottom of the barrel bullshit. They are the AC/DC (another of the worst bands ever) of death metal.
What kind of credibility does anyone really need to post outrageously stupid shit in this thread? This is ultimate metal, where you're somehow in the minority for liking cannibal corpse and iced earth. The place where liking untrue metal is frowned upon, but talking about retarded shit like pop music and penis metal is okay so long as you profess your love for The Chasm. FUCK.

If I am 100% honest I don't actually like metal that much, this mainly comes down to the vocals though. I can fully appreciate the music and skill involved... But vocals, nah :/

That said I always have time for melodic and symphonic metal, it is a joy to listen to and mix!