Controversial opinions on metal

What kind of credibility does anyone really need to post outrageously stupid shit in this thread? This is ultimate metal, where you're somehow in the minority for liking cannibal corpse and iced earth. The place where liking untrue metal is frowned upon, but talking about retarded shit like pop music and penis metal is okay so long as you profess your love for The Chasm. FUCK.

Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients is their best album and thats saying allot considering how much I love albums like Malleus Maleficarum and Consuming impulse.

Dead (RIP) was a shitty vocalist but has a cult following because of his personal life and habits and of course blowing his brains out (i gotta admit I was a fanboy back in the day for these reasons).
Attila´s vocals on De Mysteriis dom sathanas are the best vocals ever to grace a black metal album. \m/

Necrophagist - Onset of putrefaction deserves all the notoriety it gets and more. Cant say the same for Epitaph although I do like it.

Yngwie Malmsteen is repetitive as fuck but still deserves the status he enjoys. \m/

Spiral Architects vocalist suits their music perfectly. I dont care if most poeple are turned off by his vocals.

Dissection - Storm of the lights bane is amongst the 5 best black metal albums ever.

The Crown - Hell is here is their best album

Immolation have matched and by far surpassed Morbid Angel.
And I could say the opposite. LotR is the most boring book ever written. Even Twilight has more well-rounded and realized characters with believable motivations and personalities.

this has got to be the single most controversially retarded comment in all of this thread.
Im only saying this because of the comparison you made. I could care less if you liked the LOTR books.
Malleus Maleficarum is solid, but Consuming Impulse is EASILY their best. TotA is something you can safely pass by.

Now you see what I mean Hamburgerboy.

I love all three of those albums. Martin Van drunen´s vocals on malleus kicked some major ass. Consuming Impulse was a solid album but TotA was the pinnacle of their carreer IMO.
Unfortunately I think they bit off more then they could chew with spheres. I really tried liking the album and although i can listen to it, its just not good when compared to the previous three.
Resurection Macabre picked up where Consuming Impulse left off.
Doctrine is the bastard child of Consuming Impulse and Spheres.

Yes i am a proud Pestilence FANBOY
Spheres has been gradually growing on me. I still think the guitar riffs pale next to the rest of the band, and some of the synth stuff is poorly implemented, and maybe it's a bit monotonous to boot, but that laid-back groovy tech-death/thrash sound is pretty rare. I kind of see it as their Mental Vortex. Hoping it will continue to grow. I actually like Doctrine too. Testimony and Resurrection are the only weak ones, but the van Drunen ones are the only excellent ones.
Spheres has been gradually growing on me. I still think the guitar riffs pale next to the rest of the band, and some of the synth stuff is poorly implemented, and maybe it's a bit monotonous to boot, but that laid-back groovy tech-death/thrash sound is pretty rare. I kind of see it as their Mental Vortex. Hoping it will continue to grow. I actually like Doctrine too. Testimony and Resurrection are the only weak ones, but the van Drunen ones are the only excellent ones.

I should give it a few spins again.