Controversial opinions on metal

Let me counter that by proclaiming that Reinkaos, though not exactly black metal, is still a solid album.


Damn shame about Jon Nodtveidt (RIP).
Why the fuc would he wait until he was out of prison to take his life, I cant imagine he missed the cells.
I guess we would of never gotten Reinkaos if he had done it earlier.

Rest in peace Jon!

Damn shame about Jon Nodtveidt (RIP).
Why the fuc would he wait until he was out of prison to take his life, I cant imagine he missed the cells.
I guess we would of never gotten Reinkaos if he had done it earlier.

Rest in peace Jon!
RIP? Fuck that man, Dissection was an amazing band but he committed fucking SUICIDE and believed in the DEVIL. Obviously he was fucking insane.
Dead (RIP) was a shitty vocalist but has a cult following because of his personal life and habits and of course blowing his brains out (i gotta admit I was a fanboy back in the day for these reasons).
Attila´s vocals on De Mysteriis dom sathanas are the best vocals ever to grace a black metal album. m/

God you couldn't be more wrong. Attila sounds like a drunk clown for most of the album (though I love his performance on the title track) while Dead provides some truly vile vocal performances.

Dissection - Storm of the lights bane is amongst the 5 best black metal albums ever.

How is this controversial? This album is insanely popular. It's the highest rated black metal album on RYM, has a really high rating on M-A and is even highly rated on mainstream websites like allmusic. Sure, there might be a few kult kids who bash it, but they are by far the minority. Personally, I would have it 15 for sure; it's certainly a great album.
God you couldn't be more wrong. Attila sounds like a drunk clown for most of the album (though I love his performance on the title track) while Dead provides some truly vile vocal performances.

Strongly disagree. Dead was not a good black metal vocalist. His vox on the morbid stuff was better then what he did with Mayhem and thats not saying much.
Malleus Maleficarum is solid, but Consuming Impulse is EASILY their best. TotA is something you can safely pass by.

The labum title reminded me of Maleficium by the hugely underrated band Morgana Lefay. I dont know if thts a controversial opinion but there you have it. I havent heard all they put out but The Secret Doctrine, Maleficium and Abberations of the Mind are all great albums which I would recomend anyone who likes melodic, sometimes a little thrashy, heavy metal.

Let me counter that by proclaiming that Reinkaos, though not exactly black metal, is still a solid album.

I thought its was a bunch of "meh". Nothing sticks out all that much. It contains good ideas here and there but nothing really catches my attention. And with both the production and the drumming being so sterile that doesnt give the album a lift either. I do enjoy Jon's vocals though.
Death (the death metal band, you know) is overrated. Their earlier albums are fine but usually I find most of their stuff really tiresome.
Holy shit someone thinks Death is overrated. So controversial. Death was a good death metal band, an important one even, but the best, no, the first, no.
Horrible band.

Generally saved by immaculate production. Koloss just sounds MASSIVE.

They're also to blame for the entire "djent" movement, since apparently some people listened to Obzen and Chaosphere and decided that time signatures were more fun to listen to than melody in riffs.

"Check it out dude! I can pluck this string in compound meter!"

"Yeah but you're only playing one note."

Yeah, its usually: Opeth/Meshuggah sucks, Death is overrated, "I'm not into classic metal like Sabbath, Priest, Maiden"
Hm. Lemme see if I can think of one that might be different, because I know I have a bunch of stupid-ass opinions on metal, LOL. Kinda blanking at the moment, once the hangover wears off I might be able to come up with something.
I like Meshuggah a lot, but haven't bought Koloss. Most feedback seemed lukewarm on it and the couple songs I heard seemed kind of boring. On a possibly controversial note (it shouldn't be at all though), Contradictions Collapse is not only a good album, but very overlooked by fans of tech/prog-thrash in general. It gets the "AJFA v2" label a lot, but at least at its best, it's much more aggressive and intense and is probably among the most progressive of that kind of thrash. Absolutely destroys Victims of Deception, Time Does Not Heal, etc at least. Some breakdowns and hardcore shouting parts that actually sound prototypical of legitimate math-whatever music. I generally consider Confessor to be the forgotten pioneers of that kind of metal, but I think that with CC they could have very well evolved to their later sound without them.