Controversial opinions on metal

Gonna agree with that one guy, thrash metal is dull and uninspired in nearly every single case. The only way to make it tolerable is to mix it with other styles such as Skeletonwitch and Vector (both mix thrash with black metal). The traditional style of prog metal like Symphony X is unlistenable bullshit.
I've never liked Fear Factory. The whole "every single instrument playing in lockstep" sound always comes across as thin and weak, not to mention the production on their earlier albums made it sound like the drums were one of those Toys R Us drum machines. They're like if Meshuggah only played in 4/4.
I've never liked Fear Factory. The whole "every single instrument playing in lockstep" sound always comes across as thin and weak, not to mention the production on their earlier albums made it sound like the drums were one of those Toys R Us drum machines. They're like if Meshuggah only played in 4/4.

Compared to Godflesh, Fear Factory was Baby's First Metal Band.

This probably isn't that controversial but seriously fuck Eluveitie forever.
I don't like Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Death, Judas Priest, or Dio.

Folk metal is THE meaningful metal movement of the 00's.

The Black album is excellent.

Elvenking's The Scythe is excellent.

Slipknot's Iowa is more aggressive and intense than most death metal. And it's a metal album.

I can't get much into Bathory's black metal era. I appreciate the music's significance, love the artwork and aesthetics, but the music itself is difficult and fruitless listening.

Wuthering Heights are tedious and annoying.

I like Ozzy's Scream album.

I strongly dislike most prog metal.

Fantasy ambient side projects of black metal musicians (aka dungeon synth) are one of the very best kinds of music.

Most thrash is utterly dull and boring.

Cradle of Filth have always made top-notch music.

- No. All of them are excellent.

- Seriously? :lol:

- Agreed.

- Never cared much for Elvenking.

- For an album of its type it's rather heavy, but to say it's heavier than most death metal is possibly the most retarded suggestion I've heard all year. What death metal are you comparing it to?

- Fair enough you don't like it, but I'd hardly call something like the s/t "fruitless".

- There's a band called that?

- I thought it was mediocre at best, but alright, you have your tastes and I have mine.

- Even the basics like Opeth?

- Agreed. Wongraven's Fjelltronen (Frost's side project) is probably my favourite that fits this canon, plus the ubiquitous Burzum ambient albums.

- A fair portion of it might be, but I wouldn't say 'most'.

- I like their early work but don't care for anything after Midian.
There's was so much wrong in his post I figured he was just trolling but I agree with what you said... ^^^

Sounds like a mainstream fag to me... Like seriously, black album over MOP or RTL?
FWIW, Raoul, he didn't say heavier. He said more aggressive and intense. Very different things. Death/doom can be suffocatingly heavy but not exactly "aggressive". You dig?