Controversial opinions on metal


Power metal is annoying as fuck.

And yes, I've heard bands like Kamelot, Rhapsody/Luca Turilli, Hammerfall, Blind Guardian, Avantasia and...drumroll...Helloween!
Power metal is annoying as fuck.

And yes, I've heard bands like Kamelot, Rhapsody/Luca Turilli, Hammerfall, Blind Guardian, Avantasia and...drumroll...Helloween!


Come again?
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Power metal can be annoying as fuck.

Fixed. As mentioned before, it's idiotic to dismiss an entire genre. Power metal is one of the more inconsistent metal sub-genres, but the good bands are excellent.

As for Slipknot's Iowa, I think it's their best album, but unless you consider Lamb Of God death metal (and let's be honest, no one outside of Kerrang! magazine does), it is absolutely not heavier than any death metal I've heard. I'm including questionable shit like In Flames, Soilwork, and Scar Symmetry here. I'm not sure who mentioned it, but the frantic nature of the vocals on that album do a great job at conveying that vibe of anger and despair.

I think the distinction between grindcore and death metal has become so minute that it is very easy to confuse the two. They may have come from different places, but the two have influenced each other over the years quite a bit.
As mentioned before, it's idiotic to dismiss an entire genre. Power metal is one of the more inconsistent metal sub-genres, but the good bands are excellent.

There is nothing idiotic about finding a particular genre of music annoying. Just because in your opinion "the good bands are excellent" doesn't means that everyone shares the same view.
You seem to be lacking critical thinking skills when it comes to listening to music. I hate 99% of pop music, but I approach even that genre with an open mind, and there are a few artists (like Prince or Michael McDonald) who are genuinely talented and good song writers.
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I would say the first two are more heavy metal than power metal to be honest. No problem with heavy metal even tho I don't listen to it much. Fates Warning has always had a more progressive metal vibe to them. No issue with these three songs really.

This one would be the actual power metal song I think out of the ones you shared. While I would not call it "annoying" I frankly didn't care for it. The band is clearly talented but it is just not to my liking. I would, however, consider it better than the music from the bands I listed in my previous post.
Sounds too classic to me, definitely not "brutal"

Sounds like their playing through a boss metal zone pedal, and wow does the vocalist suck :yuk:

Brutal? Dude, they fucking play doom/stoner metal. They have nothing to do with being "brutal"

And say even if Lady Gaga was singing in that track it would still be heavy as fuck ... aaand is most likely heavier than almost any brutal death metal you can find.

Seems to me that you're mixing up the meaning of heavy with aggressive/brutal/whateverthefuck.
I don't think slow doom riffs are that heavy, just my opinion. Like I said, what you define "heavy" can be totally different from me...

It is entirely possible for someone not to like the WHOLE genre of Power Metal, if he doesn't LIKE it, it doesn't mean he doesn't respect it... I can't stand Power Metal tbh.
Power metal is annoying as fuck.

And yes, I've heard bands like Kamelot, Rhapsody/Luca Turilli, Hammerfall, Blind Guardian, Avantasia and...drumroll...Helloween!

I wouldn't call that controversial. I motherfucking loathe every single power metal band ever, I'd rather listen to country than power metal. I know a lot of metal fans that feel the same way as me.
You seem to be lacking critical thinking skills when it comes to listening to music. I hate 99% of pop music, but I approach even that genre with an open mind, and there are a few artists (like Prince or Michael McDonald) who are genuinely talented and good song writers.

Pop music is a very broad term that describes many different sounds.

Power metal is a very narrow term that describes one incredibly flamboyantly gay sound.