Controversial opinions on metal

Way to flush your credibility down the toilet.

LuminousAether said:
Blind Guardian is the cheesiest band on Earth, they fit firmly in with power metal steriotypes. I am a fairly open-minded guy when it comes to metal, but power metal is simply abominable. There is nothing at all even remotely interesting in that absolute nerd-haven of undersexed and pathetic old balding men hoping for a glimpse of glory in their tedious, banal existences.

1. Power metal is not exclusively played by old men having mid-life crises.
2. There's nothing wrong with being a nerd. If there was, then LOTR, Star Wars, and D&D wouldn't be the billion dollar industries they are.
3. Not remotely interesting? For example, I don't find the phony misanthropy and chest thumping machismo of war metal to be very interesting, though I respect the genre and do enjoy Destroyer 666 quite a bit.
4. Use your spell check.
5. You're the only one in this thread who hasn't given a rational reason for disliking power metal, instead resorting to using words like "gay" and "annoying".
Since when does liking LOTR and Star Wars make you a nerd? I play videos games all day everyday but when i'm in public or in school people think completely opposite.

Power Metal is OK when done right, if this qualifies as power metal (or maybe just heavy metal idk) then I don't care how gay you think it is...

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While I dismiss pretty much all flourish euro power metal, I find Wuthering Heights excellent.

Another one: I kinda like Electric Wizard, but still I think they're one of the most overrated bands ever. Also, calling them 'the heaviest band ever' it's pretty retarded.
Another one: I kinda like Electric Wizard, but still I think they're one of the most overrated bands ever. Also, calling them 'the heaviest band ever' it's pretty retarded.

Overrated agreed, but saying they're not one of the heaviest bands around is actually the only thing retarded here .... so, yea.

edit: and no one said they're "the heaviest band ever".
Way to flush your credibility down the toilet.

1. Power metal is not exclusively played by old men having mid-life crises.
2. There's nothing wrong with being a nerd. If there was, then LOTR, Star Wars, and D&D wouldn't be the billion dollar industries they are.
3. Not remotely interesting? For example, I don't find the phony misanthropy and chest thumping machismo of war metal to be very interesting, though I respect the genre and do enjoy Destroyer 666 quite a bit.
4. Use your spell check.
5. You're the only one in this thread who hasn't given a rational reason for disliking power metal, instead resorting to using words like "gay" and "annoying".

Thanks for the laugh. It came deep from within my gut, a true belly laugh.
You listen to Shining and yet you think power metal is made by and for nerdy middle aged men.

Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
Power metal is also always about dragons and the glory of overcoming, and Shining is about how awesome it is to bleed out in a bathtub. Not seeing the point of Mort's post, there.
The best and noteable part of power metal is infact their lyrical content. Anyone who thinks Dragons, Elfs, Hobbits, Knights etc. are gay, need to shove their head in a lawnmower.
The point was that if you're going to criticize a band for singing about nerdy shit, but endorse a band that is about as emotionally developed as a 15 year old mallgoth you're being fucking ridiculous.
I don't even like the majority of power metal but the good shit, the non-flowery stuff, the stuff with balls, is manly as fuck.