Controversial opinions on metal

- For an album of its type it's rather heavy, but to say it's heavier than most death metal is possibly the most retarded suggestion I've heard all year. What death metal are you comparing it to?

- Fair enough you don't like it, but I'd hardly call something like the s/t "fruitless".

- Even the basics like Opeth?[/I].

That one other guy understands: aggressiveness and heaviness are two different things, though they have similarities. I think pretty much all death metal is "heavier" than Iowa, but to me Iowa conveys a rush of raw agggression much better than about 70% of the death metal i've had the pleasure to hear. Suffocation, Bolt Thrower, Death, Krisiun, Cannibal Corpse, and Morbid Angel are examples that generally don't feel as intense as Iowa to me. Some death bands that do feel more aggressive than Iowa to me would be Immolation, Deicide and Vital Remains. it's just based on taste.

Extreme metal doesnt automatically mean something is aggressive or intense. hence how I can find most thrash boring, a slew of death and black bands boring (mostly death). to me genuine aggression is a feeling it takes a lot of talent and something special to capture (just like other strong emotions,like melancholy for example) and it is NOT interchangable with "loud", "fast", angry, etc.

and yes, I think I went too far to call listening to Bathory's early days "fruitless". more like difficult listening I'd most often prefer to hear something else over. perhaps I'll grow fond of it with more time .

Opeth, I really can't listen to. I find them meandering and incoherent. The most proggy band I like is Tyr, but even then, Eric the Red is the only album I like a lot.
Extreme metal doesnt automatically mean something is aggressive or intense. hence how I can find most thrash boring, a slew of .
Yes it does. I could show any heavy metal band to a pop/rap listener and they will still shit their pants. From what I see, you think higher pitch vocals (screaming) are more aggressive than growling, which can be true considering I can listen to DM and not get a headache but if I listen to something with too much screaming I instantly do.

And you should really open you mind to other genres of music if you don't even like regular death metal or progressive metal, aggressiveness doesn't make music better, and just saying, prog is NOT a form of extreme metal.
To me genuine aggression is a feeling it takes a lot of talent and something special to capture (just like other strong emotions,like melancholy for example) and it is NOT interchangable with "loud", "fast", angry, etc.

This is horse shit, me playing as fast and brutal as possible while screaming at the top of my lungs will definitely qualify for your "genuine aggressiveness"
witch can be true

I wouldn't call that controversial. I motherfucking loathe every single power metal band ever, I'd rather listen to country than power metal. I know a lot of metal fans that feel the same way as me.

I'm guessing you're another no nothing when it comes to country music...

Country music is capable of being as dark and dismal as much of metal,

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Oh yes country can be dark...

and one of the most haunting songs I've ever heard, period:
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I think I read somewhere that country music inspires depression and suicide more than any other genre. And not in a "oh man this is so bad I wanna kill myself" way, more like the best of the genre are REALLY good at tapping into the feeling of just wanting to crawl into a bottle of whiskey and end it all.
He made the dumb fucking comment saying he'd rather listen to country over power metal insinuating that country is shit, but not as shit as power metal...

I don't think I've ever actually seen him make a good post though so I'm not surprised.