Controversial opinions on metal

Nu metal generally sucks, but I enjoy KoRn's self titled album and pretty much everything by Deftones. Nothingface's Violence album was decent. I also like Soulfly, though they kinda tow the line between nu and groove metal. Same with Sepultura's Roots album.
FWIW, Raoul, he didn't say heavier. He said more aggressive and intense. Very different things. Death/doom can be suffocatingly heavy but not exactly "aggressive". You dig?
Did he mention 'death/doom' at all? Usually when someone says death metal I immediately picture exactly that, including 90's Swedish and Finnish acts which are arguably a fuckload more 'agressive' than sl1pkn0t.
But yeah, no, I agree, Iowa makes the vast majority of death metal sound like Pet Sounds.
Pay attention doofus. You said "heavier", he didn't. I'm not saying he's right or wrong, I'm saying that "heavy" and "aggressive" are two completely different adjectives. You can find some outrageously aggressive punk music, but that doesn't mean it's "heavy". I'd happily go on record as saying there are punk/crust bands wayyyy more aggressive and intense than a shitload of death metal.

I swear, the reading comprehension level on this board is dropping by the day...
Eluveitie is the ultimate computer science major metal band.

Nu metal generally sucks, but I enjoys KoRn's self titled album and pretty much everything by Deftones. Nothingface's Violence album was decent. I also like Soulfly, though they kinda tow the line between nu and groove metal. Same with Sepultura's Roots album.

I've never really liked Deftones, but Korn's S/T and that Nothingface album are both indeed good.
Pay attention doofus. You said "heavier", he didn't. I'm not saying he's right or wrong, I'm saying that "heavy" and "aggressive" are two completely different adjectives. You can find some outrageously aggressive punk music, but that doesn't mean it's "heavy". I'd happily go on record as saying there are punk/crust bands wayyyy more aggressive and intense than a shitload of death metal.

I swear, the reading comprehension level on this board is dropping by the day...
I agree completely with that and I wasn't arguing in terms of heaviness at all in my second post;
...death metal I immediately picture exactly that, including 90's Swedish and Finnish acts which are arguably a fuckload more 'aggressive' than sl1pkn0t.
Talk about reading comprehension...;)

But I just don't see how Iowa can even compare in terms of aggression to the bulk of death metal I've heard. It's just not in the same ballpark, or even the same sport.
My post was arguing against your use of the term heavy in your first response. Simple as that. Yeah you switched it in your response to ME, but I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the first post and just that.

Is Iowa as aggressive as most death metal? Maybe. I don't see why it wouldn't just land in the middle of the pack or maybe a bit above that. It's back from when Corey sounded like he was on the road to a nervous breakdown in half of the songs and they had a good chaotic vibe going. Definitely intense. Not an album I listen to often, but it's there.
Nu metal generally sucks, but I enjoys KoRn's self titled album and pretty much everything by Deftones.

Deftones are badass. I still listen to them every once in awhile. As far as Korn, I enjoyed their self titled album, but the one I listen to the most is Follow The Leader
... ::ducks::

Indeed, damn them to hell.

Fucking hate that shit. Korplikanni, Fintroll, all that bullshit needs to go straight to hell. One of the worst things to happen to metal.

Death metal is obviously the most heavy and aggressive music out there

Its not that simple to say imo...Ive heard some sludge that would defy gravity its so god damn heavy, and Ive heard some grind and power violence that just like SomeGuyDude said, you have to listen to it in short intervals to keep your head from exploding. While I wholeheartedly agree that Death metal is heavy and aggressive, its not THE MOST heavy and aggressive music out there. Thats just stupid and ignorant.

Are you guys talking about the ENTIRE genre of death metal or just regular death metal? Grindcore, Deathgrind, Brutal death metal etc are the heaviest genres I've ever heard.
Id say this

is in the same realm as this.

Whatever though, I don't know what kind of "death metal" you guys are listening to but Slipknot isn't even as heavy as some thrash..
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I guess its safe to say its completely up to you on what genre is the "heaviest", maybe you think screaming at the top of your lungs over breakdowns is the heaviest, or extremely deep guttural vocals over slams and shit is the heaviest, or dark doom metal, WHATEVER.