Controversial opinions on metal

Megadeth's Rust in Peace is better than Slayer's Hell Awaits.

No arguments here. But then again, I don't think I ever REALLY liked Slayer beyond their image and the fact that, when I found them, they were the heaviest thing I was aware of.

In fact I'm gonna call that a general statement: Slayer really isn't that great. They were incredibly loud and evil when they first emerged, but unlike their thrash contemporaries didn't write particularly good "riffs" and the music itself was less the focus than the fact that it was fast and dripping with blood and pentagrams.

25 years later, listening to albums from Metallica/Megadeth (maybe Anthrax but ew) and you can sit back and enjoy the riffs and the songs on their own merits, but once you've been exposed to music that's angrier, louder, and far more evil than anything Slayer ever came out with and suddenly Reign in Blood or Seasons in the Abyss lose their appeal.
That's almost how I feel about Seasons... SoH is indeed my favourite though. It's got a great flow and a bit of a traditional style with lots of atmosphere.
I refuse to compare the first three anymore but it's obvious that the two that come after are inferior.