Controversial opinions on metal

Black Sabbath may have sounded really unique, intense and revolutionary a few decades ago, but to modern ears they just sound tired and dated: take the timeframe and context off the music and there isn't a whole lot to be excited about - let's be honest here...
I think Danzig and his works are often overlooked as highly influential to metal. The Misfits of course influenced countless older metal bands, and Danzig's solo stuff, at least the first 4, were very influential and broke some ground as far as being openly "evil" in the mainstream. Plus, they were just god damned amazing albums.

Also, the last 3 Danzig releases are quality. Period.
Black Sabbath may have sounded really unique, intense and revolutionary a few decades ago, but to modern ears they just sound tired and dated: take the timeframe and context off the music and there isn't a whole lot to be excited about - let's be honest here...

For me, good music doesn't just start sucking as it gets older.
Wow. Metallica and Black Sabbath are the most recent posts. No wonder this thread sucks.

Interesting you say that and then praise Danzig in the next post - to me there's a lot of similarity in the three bands, especially Danzig and Black Sabbath - slow evil heavy riffs and a unigue singing voice!

But yeah, I rate the early Danzig albums highly.

Black Sabbath may have sounded really unique, intense and revolutionary a few decades ago, but to modern ears they just sound tired and dated: take the timeframe and context off the music and there isn't a whole lot to be excited about - let's be honest here...

To some degree, but I still think they have a fair number of songs that stand the test of time just through the riff-writing skills of Iommi and Ozzy's unique voice.

..and hey, in twenty years time you might be saying the same things about what you're listing to now.
Misfits Danzig > Solo Danzig

To be honest, his solo work is fucking retarded and gay.

And for the record, Danzig and Black Sabbath should never be compared side to side.

I was trying to say I think it's unusual to blast Metallica and Black Sabbath and then praise Danzig.

I liked the Misfits and Danzig; different music but both good. Danzig solo had some good evil riffs IMO.

Metallica again? C'mon, do you know more bands, right?

I haven't listened to them for years and happened to watch the live in Quebec DVD which brought back home what good songs they had in the earlier years, plus the one mentioned.

Looks like I posted in the right thread.

It's a decent song until it gets to the "Love is a four letter word" part, which are the worst lyrics ever written.

They should have just finished that song about 2 minutes earlier.

I agree about the lyrics but think the song gets better after that - the instrumental section afterwards is the best bit.
There's more people that whine and bitch about metallica, iron maiden, black sabbath posts in this thread than people who actually bring those bands up for controversy .... who cares if you dont like it? Just shut the fuck up already, you guys sound like a bunch of little twats.
Interesting you say that and then praise Danzig in the next post
You stupid fuck, my statement was in regards to the topics being worn out beyond interest, not the quality of either band.
Misfits Danzig > Solo Danzig

To be honest, his solo work is fucking retarded and gay.

And for the record, Danzig and Black Sabbath should never be compared side to side.
I don't agree with Misfits Danzig>solo Danzig. He reached his ultimate potentional vocally, lyrically, stylistically, and all around musically with the first 3 Danzig albums. Not taking anything away from The Misfits, but c'mon. They were juvenile, mediocre, simplistic, poorly played punk. Except with Glenn Danzig and horror themes.

Also, no. You're gay.
There's more people that whine and bitch about metallica, iron maiden, black sabbath posts in this thread than people who actually bring those bands up for controversy .... who cares if you dont like it? Just shut the fuck up already, you guys sound like a bunch of little twats.

You're right...but where does it leave this thread?