Controversial opinions on metal

Yeah I'll give it like a 6, 6.5. It's far from a bad album and there are number of really good passages scattered throughout. I just don't think it's very well composed for an album with such long compositions and then some parts just drag and drag. Also some of the clean passages sound almost identical to each other.
Heritage was the WORST change for any band in the history of time and the worst attempt at sounding like 70's prog rock.

I agree with this, Heritage is SUCH a shitty boring album. I saw Opeth live earlier this year and the first five songs they played were from Heritage - it was such a snooze fest, the crowd didn't even after cheer after 3-4 songs in, just did some polite clapping between songs. I got mad and started heckling them between songs, shouting "PLAY SOMETHING HEAVY!" over and over. I even got their singer mad and he responded by insulting the country they were playing in by saying something like "Is that what it's like here - you don't follow the rules and then everything falls apart?" LOL. However, later on they played some of their older heavier stuff and that was a lot more fun. I hope they go back to prog death in their next album.
Yeah Heritage was just a heartless record. I can't remember a note off it now, it was so damn flavorless. And I gave it a fair number of listens. Honestly, I don't care if they stay prog or go back to metal, because I think Opeth is done insofar as relevance and innovation are concerned. Watershed was pretty dull and while Ghost Reveries was a strong album, it didn't really offer anything new. If you think about it, the last time Opeth really offered a fresh album was Black Water Park.
If you aren't into Jazz/Fusion, then you weren't going to like Heritage. I think Akerfeldt just needed to get that experimentation out of his system.

Personally I though Heritage kicked huge amounts of ass, and Watershed was amazing. Actually, there isn't an Opeth album I don't like. All I have heard is solid as hell in my book.

I anticipate their next release with much excitement.
If you aren't into Jazz/Fusion, then you weren't going to like Heritage. I think Akerfeldt just needed to get that experimentation out of his system.

Then he shoulda formed a side band or something instead of wasting Opeth's fans time with that garbage. It's just embarrasingly ridiculous to see all these wild 'n crazy metal fans dress up in their concert gear and then have a dude strum some little jazz tunes to them, as happened at my concert. I know that jazz musicians can be very skilled, but I simply can't get into the dull boring repetitive vibe of the music (because I'm not geriatric, I guess), and it sure as hell isn't the kinda thing I wanna hear when I go to concert of a band known for progressive death metal.
If you aren't into Jazz/Fusion, then you weren't going to like Heritage. I think Akerfeldt just needed to get that experimentation out of his system.

What exactly are you referring to with this? I love when prog and jazz were fused by bands like King Crimson (i.e. Lizard), Van Der Graaf Generator (i.e. Pawn Hearts) and Mahavishnu Orchestra but those albums had energy and were inspired. Heritage is a totally flaccid performance.
If you aren't into Jazz/Fusion, then you weren't going to like Heritage. I think Akerfeldt just needed to get that experimentation out of his system.

Personally I though Heritage kicked huge amounts of ass, and Watershed was amazing. Actually, there isn't an Opeth album I don't like. All I have heard is solid as hell in my book.

I anticipate their next release with much excitement.

I love EVERY Opeth album before heritage (yes that includes damnation) Heritage is just a boring pile of crap.

And I forget, I am TOTALLY into Jazz/Fusion, I love Allan Holdsworth and Cynic, Textures is the best instrumental ever wrote in my opinion.. I also listen to a lot of "djent" prog metal that is usually heavily influenced by jazz/fusion.
Because posting a youtube video is gonna change our minds... pretty much the only thing I remember from the album is "god is DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD."

To swerve away, Grave - Endless Procession of Souls was easily one of the best death metal albums this year.
I didn't think Midnight was that good when I first listened to them. I'd rather listen to some more raw black/punk like NME or something.