Controversial opinions on metal

And you must be autistic.

I'm not impressed by overly technical randomness with a preference for flash over actual songwriting or content overlaid with poorly performed, angsty vocals and lyrics. If your best response is to claim that I'm of inferior intelligence rather than actually talking about the album and defending your opinion on the music, it only further justifies my opinion in my eyes, as you must be the exact caliber of person that it takes to appreciate such a superficially constructed abortion of an album.

It's certainly not what I'd consider quality death metal, nor is it impressive as a feat of technicality combined with good songwriting.
... but theres nothing really "overly technical" about that album.

but hey, i know a lot of people that dont like TSoP, so im not surprised. While its not their best, it's still a very good album nonetheless IMO.

Lets put it this way, I can play songs of of TSOP, I can not play ANYTHING by Spawn Of Possession or Obscura.
The compositions on that album are very poorly done. The problem is that musicians of that level of technical ability, most of whom have released great music at some point in their careers, should be able to write songs that aren't so poorly assembled and reliant on flashiness.

Plus, like I said earlier, there's really no excuse for how shitty the vocals and lyrics on that album are.
If you don't like more technical and/or progressive stuff, then I guess anything like that would sound "disjointed".

I like technical/progressive music. Just not technical/progressive metal, since it's usually utter garbage. TSOP being one of the worse offenders.
The compositions on that album are very poorly done. The problem is that musicians of that level of technical ability, most of whom have released great music at some point in their careers, should be able to write songs that aren't so poorly assembled and reliant on flashiness.

Plus, like I said earlier, there's really no excuse for how shitty the vocals and lyrics on that album are.

Chuck's voice was never the strong point of Death.
Chuck's voice was never the strong point of Death.

Actually, his vocals on Scream Bloody Gore are really good. Unfortunately, he opted to change his style and also write songs that are specifically designed to make his vocals a prominent feature on The Sound of Perseverance, which is definitely a step backward from his earlier music.

Oh that's why he influenced the entire genre of DM?

Seriously you must be retarded if you think anything by Death is overly technical and "flashy"

Compare this

To this

Chuck Schuldiner didn't invent death metal, and comparing terrible modern death metal to a terrible song that most likely influenced it doesn't really change that fact.
I think you're mentally retarded, OR you have some kind of ear disorder. Maybe you just like trolling? Who knows. Telling someone Death is bad because the vocals are the biggest part of the music (which in Death's case, it most definitely is not) while you listen to fucking KING DIAMOND is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard.
King Diamond has a very powerful, wide vocal range and performs a multitude of different styles with a pretty high level of technical versatility. He sings anything from a very advanced operatic style, to a lower, more throaty and aggressive heavy metal vocal style. I'm going to assume that you find his deliberately comic falsetto vocals annoying, but Chuck Schuldiner's most competent attempt at singing is a painfully shrill, out of tune rendition of "Painkiller" by Judas Priest. Other than that, there's really no grounds to compare the two of them, and King Diamond clearly has a more mature, fully-formed vocal ability.

The Sound of Perseverance was clearly written with the vocal performance taking on a more prominent role than previous Death albums, which is exactly what I said earlier despite your inability to comprehend it. I'm not sure why you can't understand that.

I don't like the album, and I've explained why in great detail by this point, but you have yet to do anything other than insult me and, for some weird reason, talk about King Diamond as if he has anything to do with Death or death metal as a whole. If you are so passionate about Death and this album, you can try actually talking about the album and replying to the points that I've made here.
TSOP was clearly a step backwards from Symbolic, which is imo, the pinnacle of Chuck's work. But it doesn't rate the hate it gets, and although Chucks vocals leave much to be desired on the album, I'd take his shrieking of Painkiller any day to the Halford original.
King Diamond has a very powerful, wide vocal range and performs a multitude of different styles with a pretty high level of technical versatility. He sings anything from a very advanced operatic style, to a lower, more throaty and aggressive heavy metal vocal style. I'm going to assume that you find his deliberately comic falsetto vocals annoying, but Chuck Schuldiner's most competent attempt at singing is a painfully shrill, out of tune rendition of "Painkiller" by Judas Priest. Other than that, there's really no grounds to compare the two of them, and King Diamond clearly has a more mature, fully-formed vocal ability.

The Sound of Perseverance was clearly written with the vocal performance taking on a more prominent role than previous Death albums, which is exactly what I said earlier despite your inability to comprehend it. I'm not sure why you can't understand that.

I don't like the album, and I've explained why in great detail by this point, but you have yet to do anything other than insult me and, for some weird reason, talk about King Diamond as if he has anything to do with Death or death metal as a whole. If you are so passionate about Death and this album, you can try actually talking about the album and replying to the points that I've made here.
You stating opinion as fact here "The Sound of Perseverance was clearly written with the vocal performance taking on a more prominent role than previous Death albums" is enough for me to think of you as a troll, there is the same amount of singing on Symbolic and all the albums before it, yes his voice changed but that really isn't on purpose, he did songs from songs off of human the same way live.

If anything TSOP is centered around being more melodic and progressive than any other Death album while trying to be as technical as possible while not sounding like Suffocation or any of the extremely technical death metal bands of the 90's. If the album was centered around the singing then there would be no instrumentals, no parts in songs that last 30+ seconds with no singing, and there would be no long solos (like the one in a moment of clarity)

After being exposed to progressive music for a long time TSOP grew to be my favorite Death album, I think it has the best riffs chuck has ever wrote AND the best solos, plus I love the vocals just as much as any Death album.

Chuck did not "create" death metal but his band was the first to expose such a brutal singing style that influenced many bands and Death still grew on every album influencing even more sub-genres, like progressive death metal, technical death metal, melodic death metal, etc. Yes Possessed was "first" but Death is clearly a heavier band and the death metal movement didn't really start until after Death.