Controversial opinions on metal

The fact that people hate King Diamond means they haven't listened to Don't Break the Oath, and that is just fucking blasphemy. That has some of the best riffs I've ever heard.
I can't take Voivod seriously whatsoever after that one video. Then again I also hate thrash in its entirety.

Here's a good one: Type O lyrics are so terrible I laugh at them more often than not.
Just posted this on the new blog - anything controversial here? Obviously I left out a lot of personal favorites in favor of seeking out the essential (IE I actually don't listen to Dismember or Suffocation much), and thus it looks a little generic but...I think it's a solid canon of metal. Going to post a post-golden age list soon, starting either at 2000 or after '95/'96 or so.
It doesn't matter how good the music is if the vocals are ruining it. King Diamond, Nevermore, Megadeth, Obituary, Asphyx (although I don't understand how Van Drunen sounds so killer on On Divine Winds, and just slightly south of :erk: on just about everything else I've heard), Judas Priest, etc. are all examples of talented bands ruined by the vocals.
It doesn't matter how good the music is if the vocals are ruining it. King Diamond, Nevermore, Megadeth, Obituary, Asphyx (although I don't understand how Van Drunen sounds so killer on On Divine Winds, and just slightly south of :erk: on just about everything else I've heard), Judas Priest, etc. are all examples of talented bands ruined by the vocals.

Sometimes certain vocalists just work well with their band, despite being sub-par singers. I always thought Warrel Dane and Dave Mustaine's vocals go well with the type of music Nevermore and Megadeth play/played. Maybe I just feel that way because I've never heard Symphony of Destruction sang by anyone but Mustaine.

... and did you say Judas Priest has bad vocals? :lol:
It doesn't matter how good the music is if the vocals are ruining it. King Diamond, Nevermore, Megadeth, Obituary, Asphyx (although I don't understand how Van Drunen sounds so killer on On Divine Winds, and just slightly south of :erk: on just about everything else I've heard), Judas Priest, etc. are all examples of talented bands ruined by the vocals.

John Tardy is one of the best death metal vocalists of all time, how the fuck could any metalhead think otherwise?

One of the heaviest songs of all time.
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Im talking about every album. Theyve never impressed me, just bored the shit out of me. I dont think they are anything special and certainty dont deserve to be placed on the pedestal a lot of people put them on. But hey, thats just me.