Controversial opinions on metal

No way. Obituary is awesome. You want the epitome of boring ass death metal? Look no further:

Edit-->And I totally agree on Asphyx. I find a lot of the Swedish death metal from the 90s to be extremely fucking bland. I'd rather listen to any of the classic Finnish death metal bands. That being said. "Like an Everflowing Stream" by Dismember and "The Red in the Sky is Ours" by At the Gates are fucking untouchable and incredible. When it comes to Swedish death metal, I like the more Finnish-sounding stuff like Utumno or the weird shit like Pan.Thy.Monium or Krypt of Kerberos.

I'll take Benediction over the overrated snoozefest that is Nespithe.
People like me? Maybe I should listen though real headphones but through my laptop speakers it sounded like he could barely play certain parts, the guitar tone is definitely terrible anyways. No album with such shitty sound can ever be considered one of the best tech-death albums so it doesn't really matter.

It has far better sound than the absurd reliance on sterile overly clear production that most tech. death bands for some reason favor. Most tech. death also is absolute garbage and only listened to by idiots who are amused easily by flashy things with no real substance... so whatever.
Maybe not one of the best, but certainly notable.

more like enjoyable, but the best??? :lol: ... nowhere near being one of the best modern tech-death albums, not even close.

oh and lol @ paramore boy, i doubt you listen to any tech-death or even any of the bands you listed minus a song here and there. Any way, your taste in music IMHO is pure shit, by far the worst i'v come across on this site.

You really do hate me don't you? I don't think I've come across anyone who has such a personal vendetta against me...

It isn't like I raped your mom in front of you or anything, so really, what is the actual problem here?
I've tried giving the tech death genre a go. Maybe it's not upopular, but the sound bores me from what I've heard. I've listened to Spawn of Possession, Obscura, Necrophagist, Rings of Saturn, and a couple classics like Pestilence and Atheist. I don't really get too much from it. I find Pestilence and Atheist to be much more intresting.

All I tend to hear is halloween music, harmonic minor noodlings, constant blast beats, double bass, and absurd synchopation. I like intense metal, but I'm more for something more visceral like Defeated Sanity, Guttural Secrete, Wormed, and Vomit the Soul.

I'll admit I like Paramore too, but in a very sick kind of way. That poppy, over the top mixing makes me feel like I'm vomiting rainbows and dealing with an angsty teenager. I hate that I love it.
Obituary is seriously the epitome of boring ass death metal.

Cause of Death bores the shit out of me when I actually try to pay attention to it, but I find myself enjoying it quite a bit when studying on campus or just walking around. Really effective background metal. Some Sodom and Exciter are the same for me. Simply getting an iPod and changing my usual listening setting (alone at the home computer) has somehow changed my perception and enjoyment of music.

Just posted this on the new blog - anything controversial here? Obviously I left out a lot of personal favorites in favor of seeking out the essential (IE I actually don't listen to Dismember or Suffocation much), and thus it looks a little generic but...I think it's a solid canon of metal. Going to post a post-golden age list soon, starting either at 2000 or after '95/'96 or so.

It's basically ANUS 101, but I don't think anyone could complain about the lists on a whole. Ras Algethi seems like an outlier (never heard of them before) if you're going for an essential/"canon" list but obviously since I haven't heard them I'm not saying that they are necessarily unworthy or anything.
It's basically ANUS 101, but I don't think anyone could complain about the lists on a whole. Ras Algethi seems like an outlier (never heard of them before) if you're going for an essential/"canon" list but obviously since I haven't heard them I'm not saying that they are necessarily unworthy or anything.

Well I didn't mean to necessarily make it so ANUSish; it just turned out that way when I crossed stuff off the list that didn't seem terribly important to metal, despite any status as a personal favorite. I guess Ras Algethi might be a questionable choice, but the realm of '90s funeral doom is already so limited that I just tossed the best stuff in there without a second thought.

It only turned out ANUSish because that's just kinda the way things get when you try to look at albums truly important to the development of metal...I mean I'd rather listen to some bands like Ceremonium, Septic Flesh, or Imprecation than Dismember or Suffocation but there's no denying the vastly greater importance of the latter.
Out of curiosity, Mort, while I totally agree with you that the other genres you listen to should not affect your credibility when discussing metal, I wonder if you actually think Paramore, etc. is actually good pop music? Or if it's purely a mood-inducing thing that affects you personally.
Im talking about every album. Theyve never impressed me, just bored the shit out of me. I dont think they are anything special and certainty dont deserve to be placed on the pedestal a lot of people put them on. But hey, thats just me.

I'm going to have to agree. Slowly We Rot is a great and catchy album though. The others? Not so much. I can respect them as Death Metal landmarks, but I just can't get into them.
Out of curiosity, Mort, while I totally agree with you that the other genres you listen to should not affect your credibility when discussing metal, I wonder if you actually think Paramore, etc. is actually good pop music? Or if it's purely a mood-inducing thing that affects you personally.

Their first three albums I'd say are legitimately good within the realm of pop punk/pop rock. Their rhythm section that was headed by the Farro brothers wrote some pretty substantive drum lines and rhythm guitar work, for the genre anyways. Hayley also has a very good voice (or rather I should say had, not sure if it is still any good after she decided to tour while having bronchitis) and could have carried her into a successful solo career if she wished. (Songs like In The Mourning are proof of this - especially the live version where they mashed it up with Fleetwood Mac's Landslide and Loretta Lynn's You Ain't Woman Enough)

It, however, is likely a bit of both since I enjoy the mood the music puts me in and were it not for this I likely wouldn't listen to them nearly as often as I do.

How they will be in the future with the departure of their main songwriting core? I can't say for sure, but I am hopeful that if nothing else Hayley can continue to be worth hearing sing.
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The first Slipknot album is really unique and interesting, a landmark Metal album for sure:

The same could be said for the first (and ONLY first) System of a Down album:

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