Controversial opinions on metal

It doesn't matter how good the music is if the vocals are ruining it. King Diamond, Nevermore, Megadeth, Obituary, Asphyx (although I don't understand how Van Drunen sounds so killer on On Divine Winds, and just slightly south of :erk: on just about everything else I've heard), Judas Priest, etc. are all examples of talented bands ruined by the vocals.

What a ridiculous opinion...
It doesn't matter how good the music is if the vocals are ruining it. King Diamond, Nevermore, Megadeth, Obituary, Asphyx (although I don't understand how Van Drunen sounds so killer on On Divine Winds, and just slightly south of :erk: on just about everything else I've heard), Judas Priest, etc. are all examples of talented bands ruined by the vocals.

What in the fuck is this?
Malevolent Creation had a few moments, but another band that did not do much for me. Id rather listen to Entombed's Left Hand Path or Dismember's Like An Everflowing Stream if I want some early 90's Death Metal.
Malevolent Creation had a few moments, but another band that did not do much for me. Id rather listen to Entombed's Left Hand Path or Dismember's Like An Everflowing Stream if I want some early 90's Death Metal.

Two bands I never really cared for, id take Malevolent Creation, Obituary, Pestilence, Gorguts, Morbid Angel etc over them any day. (and see how I didn't really mention prog/tech death bands or Death who obviously shit all over any of these bands but thats just my opinion...
I'm pretty sure I'm the only metal fan in the universe that hates Time I by Wintersun.

It's a heaping pile of disappointment; shreddy solos, predictable riffing, and choruses that sound like shoddy Blind Guardian reject b-sides.

What does predictable riffing mean exactly? Sounds like you want the guitarist to just randomly mash the guitar
That'll catch you off guard.
Side note, I've never listened to wintersun, ever, so no I'm not defending them.
Obituary is seriously the epitome of boring ass death metal.

No way. Obituary is awesome. You want the epitome of boring ass death metal? Look no further:

Edit-->And I totally agree on Asphyx. I find a lot of the Swedish death metal from the 90s to be extremely fucking bland. I'd rather listen to any of the classic Finnish death metal bands. That being said. "Like an Everflowing Stream" by Dismember and "The Red in the Sky is Ours" by At the Gates are fucking untouchable and incredible. When it comes to Swedish death metal, I like the more Finnish-sounding stuff like Utumno or the weird shit like Pan.Thy.Monium or Krypt of Kerberos.
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Two bands I never really cared for, id take Malevolent Creation, Obituary, Pestilence, Gorguts, Morbid Angel etc over them any day.

IMO Malevolent Creation shouldn't even be mentioned with the rest of those bands.

I'm not really a fan of anything Entombed did outside of LHP and a couple tracks from Clandestine.

Dismember on the other hand shit all over Malevolent Creation, Entombed, and even Obituary(outside of their first two). Their discography is pretty solid from top to bottom, unlike those other three. Which albums have you checked out from them?
What does predictable riffing mean exactly? Sounds like you want the guitarist to just randomly mash the guitar
That'll catch you off guard.
Side note, I've never listened to wintersun, ever, so no I'm not defending them.

Well unless he was just throwing around the word predictable, it generally refers to over-utilization of various intervals, scales, transitions, resolutions, etc... More interesting riffs are created when a trained musical ear doesn't actually EXPECT to hear a third, a fifth, a chug-along, etc. the first time they hear a riff/melody. Metal's unique use of the chromatic scale has always been a point of interest in it's melodies, for instance.
Dismember on the other hand shit all over Malevolent Creation, Entombed, and even Obituary(outside of their first two). Their discography is pretty solid from top to bottom, unlike those other three. Which albums have you checked out from them?

Regarding Dismember, their not a bad band at all, yet out of all of their albums ill only enjoy 1-3 of the songs as much as say one of the less amazing Death songs (which pretty means less popular since their all amazing lmao)

This is kinda controversial, Obscura is by far the best current technical death metal band, I loved their first 2 albums so much all I thought about was Omnivium before it came out, listening to whatever song was shown before the album release like 10 times a day :) easily in my top 5 tech-death albums (Just saying I don't really count Suffocation as tech-death, plus they sound absolutely nothing like Obscura so...)
Regarding Dismember, their not a bad band at all, yet out of all of their albums ill only enjoy 1-3 of the songs as much as say one of the less amazing Death songs (which pretty means less popular since their all amazing lmao)

Give The God That Never Was a shot.

This is kinda controversial, Obscura is by far the best current technical death metal band, I loved their first 2 albums so much all I thought about was Omnivium before it came out, listening to whatever song was shown before the album release like 10 times a day :) easily in my top 5 tech-death albums (Just saying I don't really count Suffocation as tech-death, plus they sound absolutely nothing like Obscura so...)

:kickass: not controversial at all amongst tech-death fans.

Also, Suffocation are one of the first technical death metal bands ...
Here's how i look at it, Suffo = original technical/brutal death metal, Obscura = Modern tech-death, two different sounds ... but yea, if thats the case, then i don't count Suffo as "tech-death" either, as i only use that term to describe the actual modern tech-death bands.

Cosmogenesis is IMO the greatest modern tech death album there is.
It is not flawless from an execution standpoint I will admit that, and the album doesn't really focus on having riffs in the traditional sense of a main riff it focuses and builds upon as much as it has just a flurry of them, but it is such a departure from the typical 'look at how flashy we are' shit that bands like Necrophagist, Obscura, The Faceless, etc. have shit out that I can't help but love it.

This is a band that has an interesting musical concept, unlike 95% of tech death.
The guitar player seems to have a very hard time 1)Not fucking up every 1 second 2)write a decent riff 3)Have a decent guitar tone

The mixing really puts the guitar under and results in people like you making statements lie this, but Crimson Massacre was really solid. Haven't listened to the band since 06 or so though.

Which reminds me, there was a different mix of Luster floating around online back then which helped a lot...wish I still had those files.
The mixing really puts the guitar under and results in people like you making statements lie this, but Crimson Massacre was really solid. Haven't listened to the band since 06 or so though.

Which reminds me, there was a different mix of Luster floating around online back then which helped a lot...wish I still had those files.

People like me? Maybe I should listen though real headphones but through my laptop speakers it sounded like he could barely play certain parts, the guitar tone is definitely terrible anyways. No album with such shitty sound can ever be considered one of the best tech-death albums so it doesn't really matter.