Controversial opinions on metal

TBH you miss a lot with guys like Moon and Bonham unless you play or you've seen them live. Seeing a guy like Keith Moon go fucking berzerk on stage while being on enough drugs to knock out an elephant was really a sight to behold. There was an energy and "looseness" to the playing that's lost in all the ultra sterile playing now.
Damn fucking right. It's near impossible to play a song like Won't Get Fooled Again with an intention to sound the same as Keith. It just cannot be done. Same with Gar Samuelson of Megadeth. His playing was so loose and unique, probably because of his jazz/fusion background.
Shouldn't progressive bands be, by definition, challenging institutions and forging new territory. The fact that "prog" bands all sound alike is almost ironic.

You are correct and should probably check out a book by (one of my closest friends) Jeff Wagner on progressive metal where he points out how much more truly progressive Enslaved and Voivod are when compared to the 1000 bands that try to sound like Fate Warning---


Personally, I like my prog and metal separate, but I agree with this point about the nature of progressive music and the irony of it becoming a genre.
I'd like to congratulate on swiftly nullifying any credibility your first statement had with your second.


I don't even understand what that means. Anyone with two ears and a functioning brain is capable of understanding that Gavin Harrison is an amazing drummer. Obviously the title of best alive today is my opinion and I was only mentioning him in a half-serious way because I know you buttfuckers wouldn't take me seriously anyway.
You are correct and should probably check out a book by (one of my closest friends) Jeff Wagner on progressive metal where he points out how much more truly progressive Enslaved and Voivod are when compared to the 1000 bands that try to sound like Fate Warning---

Personally, I like my prog and metal separate, but I agree with this point about the nature of progressive music and the irony of it becoming a genre.

I think I will buy that book.
I take this back. After picking up Tomb of the Mutilated and Torture I don't know what I was thinking.


Funny image. (And great show.)

matt schrauben
If you like CC's Torture, you should check out Kill, which is succinct, has a furious and wild approach, some bizarre harmonics and sounds like the halfway point between CanCor and Hate Eternal in spots and was produced by Erik Rutan of Hate Eternal.
Djent is a genre like "breakdowns" is a genre (lol deathcore whatever). It's a single, and I do mean single, sound. Polyrhythmic palm-muted chuggachug riffs on very few notes. That is the only thing that makes djent what it is. And it needs to die. It's not original, it's not fun to listen to, it's not memorable. It's like someone said about Meshuggah's "Bleed": basically someone took a rhythm exercise and added lyrics to it.
Was going to post this in the Ass kicking thread, but did not want to digress...But all this talk about Viraemia and Braindrill brings me to my opinion that tech death is seriously the most boring and awful genre to come out of the metal scene.

I must not have the aquired taste for tech death because I honestly have not found one band that is even remotely digestable. :puke:
Was going to post this in the Ass kicking thread, but did not want to digress...But all this talk about Viraemia and Braindrill brings me to my opinion that tech death is seriously the most boring and awful genre to come out of the metal scene.

I must not have the aquired taste for tech death because I honestly have not found one band that is even remotely digestable. :puke:

Yeah tech-death and prog-death usually suck. Nothing you can do about it.
Fuck tech-death in the face holes.

I just looked up what 'djent' means. The fuck? The fact that is being said in this forum is gay and should cease. That shit is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard in like 7 hours and 19 minutes.
Was going to post this in the Ass kicking thread, but did not want to digress...But all this talk about Viraemia and Braindrill brings me to my opinion that tech death is seriously the most boring and awful genre to come out of the metal scene.

I must not have the aquired taste for tech death because I honestly have not found one band that is even remotely digestable. :puke:

It's all ones preference. I mean, i can't even imagine how someone can enjoy the new Pig Destroyer, which i find to be complete garbage, but hey some people do.

Good TDM, from the old school technical death metal to modern tech-death when done right, is about as good as death metal can get.

for example...
... not just a good album review, but a very good description of what good technical death metal is, much better than i could have described.

and the two bands you menitoned are widely considered to be bottom of the barrel tech-death anyway ... so yea.

You dont have to like it, but i just can't take anyone that dosnt appreciate good technical death metal seriously.
Was going to post this in the Ass kicking thread, but did not want to digress...But all this talk about Viraemia and Braindrill brings me to my opinion that tech death is seriously the most boring and awful genre to come out of the metal scene.

I must not have the aquired taste for tech death because I honestly have not found one band that is even remotely digestable. :puke:

Most tech death IS garbage, but there are a handful of really worthy bands such as

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What is Stargazer if not tech-death? Prog-death? Are you splitting hairs here?

You don't need to put your old username in your title, btw, everyone knows that it's you.
Really?? I thought maybe my avatar and signature weren't enough ... lol, moron.

i genuinely feel sorry for anyone here that thinks StarGazer is tech-death ... but then again you did just show your stupidity twice in one small post so im not surprised.

Anyway, shouldn't you be somewhere sucking cock or getting your ass rammed or something of the sort?