Controversial opinions on metal

Lately, I've been pretty unimpressed with Death Metal's potential for musical expression. With the exception of a few bands, "quality death metal" strikes me as pretty dry and stagnant, and I can't listen to it for more than 5 minutes without getting bored.
Lately, I've been pretty unimpressed with Death Metal's potential for musical expression. With the exception of a few bands, "quality death metal" strikes me as pretty dry and stagnant, and I can't listen to it for more than 5 minutes without getting bored.

I agree 100% and listen to very little death metal nowadays. It could also be that I burned myself out on the genre since that was all I listened to roughly 10 years ago.
I'm also increasingly bored by death metal. Even some of the classic tech-death releases (especially Human and Syzygial Miscreancy) sound less interesting/technical with every listen, the straight-forward stuff has gotten really monotonous for me, and I enjoy very little of death metal's development beyond the mid-90's. I still have favorites that I love, but even OSDM is something I find myself being able to do without for the most part. Oddly enough however, while I used to never care much for Deicide, their first two are really starting to click with me.
I'm also increasingly bored by death metal. Even some of the classic tech-death releases (especially Human and Syzygial Miscreancy) sound less interesting/technical with every listen, the straight-forward stuff has gotten really monotonous for me, and I enjoy very little of death metal's development beyond the mid-90's. I still have favorites that I love, but even OSDM is something I find myself being able to do without for the most part. Oddly enough however, while I used to never care much for Deicide, their first two are really starting to click with me.

The first two Deicide albums are pretty killer.

If I could find new death metal that sounds like Heartwork era Carcass or the old Swede-death bands (Dismember, old Entombed, Carnage, etc.) maybe I'd pay more attention to the genre. :)
Yeah I keep the essentials of the DM canon on my iPod but I mostly focus on like, 10 bands now.

Incantation - Onward To Golgotha
Dead Congregation - Purifying Consecrated Ground
Massacra - Final Holocaust
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Deicide - Legion
Demilich - Nespithe
Imprecation - Theurgia Goetia Summa
At The Gates - The Red In The Sky Is Ours

Those seem to be the only albums in regular rotation the last three months or so.
Maybe I should give later Gorguts another shot...I keep going back to those two albums and they never hold my attention all the way through. The 2nd album is pretty neat though.
Considered Dead is probably my least favorite of theirs, but it's still rock solid NYDM from Canada, and ranks with Effigy of the Forgotten on my list of sick groovy DM records. Obscura is like woah and From Wisdom to Hate is kinda like the B sides to that album.
I'll be honest:

-From the Big 4 of German Thrash, I really don't like Sodom that much, they are the worst in the Big 4 in my opinion;
-I actually think that Destruction is the best German band ever;

-I actually think that Master of Puppets is not the best Metallica album;
-My favorite Metallica album is Kill 'Em All

-I think that Immortal is the best Black Metal band ever;

-I am not a real big fan of South of Heaven album. The best song in that album for me it's South of Heaven.


No, you are right, I see the error of my ways. I just can't stand Barnesy, even going into my 13th year of owning Corpse pressings. I never developed that love, I suppose suicide is always an option.. Thus said there isn't any albums guitar work that I find inconsistent.
No, you are right, I see the error of my ways. I just can't stand Barnesy, even going into my 13th year of owning Corpse pressings. I never developed that love, I suppose suicide is always an option.. Thus said there isn't any albums guitar work that I find inconsistent.

Good for you :D
Yeah. I find them to be completely underwhelming. I did see them many years ago and still wasn't impressed. I guess a lot of it has to do with the fact that I can think of so many other black metal bands that are much better. But...I do love that Call of the Wintermoon video :).
Yeah immortal is boring.

And to the guy that says Sodom is bad... Sodom is my absolute favorite thrash band.