Controversial opinions on metal

Except this topic, along with the Big Four, Burzum, etc. is fucking beaten to death by being mentioned practically every fucking month.

Heres a change:

Ghost/Ghost B.C. are fucking stupid and suck fat dick. I dont understand why so many people fellate them as much as they do because they are terrible.
Nah Ghost is cool. Very campy stuff. If you can listen to Zombie Queen and not at least think about doing some silly dance from forty years ago, its probably not for you.

Edit: also naming off Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer in your deepest goofiest voice is fun too.
Hate to admit it, but I picked up the two Ghost albums based off of the hype....I'm not impressed. A couple of songs are good out of the two albums, but other than that, it's not my kind of sound. And yeah, I was never into the theatrics in bands. It's all pretty silly.
The more I listen to Ghost the more they remind me of the Beach Boys, and I'm kind of over them now that I've made that connection. & their sound gets pretty boring after a few listens.
The bands Whiskey mentioned are actually pretty good, especially Pentagram, the doom metal I can't stand is more like electric wizard type stuff, just straight up boring as fuck, I guess that's kind of stoner doom?