Controversial opinions on metal

Heavy metal purists, also called "metal elitists," often show great distaste for more mainstream forms of heavy metal, such as glam metal, alternative metal, nu metal, and metalcore. Metal purists are most prevalent in the black metal scene, often rejecting bands for deviating from the "true" black metal sound.

There obviously isn't one kind of purist in metal, maybe they listen to only "true" black metal or old school death metal with no breakdowns ever, I think they are all stupid.
Heartwork is decent though hardly the revolutionary album that mags/zines claim it to be, nor is it their best album. Necroticism and SoS is where it's at.
Comparing Heartwork to SotS is only logical in the sense that it is both bands shitty material. I think they would get a lot more attention and praise than they do if both bands didnt have such solid, yet completely different material beforehand, because honestly, Heartwork isnt bad, and neither is SotS, but fuck, why would I listen to Heartwork when I got Symphonies of Sickness?...Why listen to SotS when I got TRitSiO?...

First off, Slaughter and Heartwork are comparable in the sense they are pretty much the first two modern melodic death metal albums.

The whole why listen to heartwork instead of symphonies is a shitty comparison too as they're totally fucking different. Durr why listen to the newest Darkthrone album when I could listen to transilvanian hunger?

That being said I find Carcass to be one of the most overrated death metal bands of all time. Their early albums are standard death metal with gross out lyrics and album art.
First off, Slaughter and Heartwork are comparable in the sense they are pretty much the first two modern melodic death metal albums.

The whole why listen to heartwork instead of symphonies is a shitty comparison too as they're totally fucking different. Durr why listen to the newest Darkthrone album when I could listen to transilvanian hunger?

That being said I find Carcass to be one of the most overrated death metal bands of all time. Their early albums are standard death metal with gross out lyrics and album art.

Standard death metal for 1988:

Innovative melodic death metal for 1993:

Bolt Thrower is far from the most boring death metal band out there. I believe that title goes to Obituary or Six Feet Under. Bolt Thrower have one of the most solid discographies around with their material ranging from great to fucking amazeballs.

Which Bolt Thrower albums are your favorite? I haven't listened to that much of their disco, but of the stuff I have listened to (Warmaster, etc.) I thought it was just okay.
Heavy metal purists, also called "metal elitists," often show great distaste for more mainstream forms of heavy metal, such as glam metal, alternative metal, nu metal, and metalcore. Metal purists are most prevalent in the black metal scene, often rejecting bands for deviating from the "true" black metal sound.

There obviously isn't one kind of purist in metal, maybe they listen to only "true" black metal or old school death metal with no breakdowns ever, I think they are all stupid.

I also get annoyed by those people who just listen to as many albums as they possibly can, just so they can say they know more about metal than others. If somebody enjoys an album, they should spend some time listening to it, and listen to it more than once.
Which Bolt Thrower albums are your favorite? I haven't listened to that much of their disco, but of the stuff I have listened to (Warmaster, etc.) I thought it was just okay.

Which one would i recommend? fuck just pick one lol However, Warmaster is far from okay. Cenotaph is one of my favorite bolt thrower songs. As far as favorite albums I like them all. Honor.valour.Pride is nostalgic for me because it was the first album of theirs I bought...Same with mercenary. But I listen to their first three the most.

First off, Slaughter and Heartwork are comparable in the sense they are pretty much the first two modern melodic death metal albums.

The whole why listen to heartwork instead of symphonies is a shitty comparison too as they're totally fucking different. Durr why listen to the newest Darkthrone album when I could listen to transilvanian hunger?

That being said I find Carcass to be one of the most overrated death metal bands of all time. Their early albums are standard death metal with gross out lyrics and album art.

Valid points.

I think I'm just blinded by the viewpoint of not liking either bands later material...Darkthrone is a bad rebuttal for me because I love their new as well as their old.
Are any of you guys really implying that Reek of Putrefaction was fucking standard death metal in nineteen fucking eighty eight????

I'm confused as well. Back then Reek and then the jump to SoS in 1989 was monumental.

Also, the same year Bolt Thrower released Realm of Chaos. No one sounded like this, and no one has since surpassed this album in style. Grind/death with a punk ethos.

These two bands were anything but standard. Just because countless imitators have risen doesnt negate the FACT that these albums are classics. The deathevokations and dead congregations or whoever the flavor of the month is have nothing on these two bands.