Controversial opinions on metal

I'm not joking, most of the people have a much weaker taste than me because God has a disallowed them to have such a taste. I achieved an amazing taste of music whenever I prayed to God and he gave me it. U should pray for that sometime it was the best gift of my life!!!

this is so rich... like god would give a shit about your musical tastes :lol: god blue-jay you are a never ending source or amusement

it's also amazing that you would consider yourself as having better taste in music than me :lol::lol::lol:
Okay, first off, which Kreator album are we talking about? The first couple are pretty raw, the latest couple are very modern sounding. Petrozza doesn't do typical American-style thrash vocals.

Lol @ something simultaneously having a really raw, shitty production and sounding like Gothenburg melodeath.

Idc which ones u wanna talk about. For me all of their albums are boring except those two. The vocals and the production is by far the biggest turn off of Kreator and for me Outcast is the only one that Kreator has released that actually has a good production, good lyrics, and good riffs, but that's just me.

Kreator has a raw and shitty production just like gothenburg metal, see the metaphor now? haha
this is so rich... like god would give a shit about your musical tastes :lol: god blue-jay you are a never ending source or amusement

it's also amazing that you would consider yourself as having better taste in music than me :lol::lol::lol:

Actually God cares about everybody he says it in the bible.

I don't know I've never heard your musical taste before but considering your an atheist I doubt it's much better than mine mate. My musical taste has grown to be insanely amazing since my leave, I even like Black Sabbath and before I didn't... I don't know what I was thinking about disliking them before cause now I feel they r amazing.

gothenburg music has clean production

I know but I don't like it and it sounds more like a crappy form of production so I used it as a metaphor for my dislike of Kreator's musical productions.
Actually God cares about everybody he says it in the bible.

I don't know I've never heard your musical taste before but considering your an atheist I doubt it's much better than mine mate. My musical taste has grown to be insanely amazing since my leave, I even like Black Sabbath and before I didn't... I don't know what I was thinking about disliking them before cause now I feel they r amazing.

:lol: i'm not an atheist douche, as if that would have anything to do with whether or not i like good music...
i didn't say god didn't care about people, i said 'why would he care about your musical taste'?
after all it seems rather ludicrous that god ignores the prays of those suffering and dying of disease and famine, etc. yet he feels the need to give you 'good taste' in music because you prayed for that... :lol: amazing
Just because I enjoy the first two Obituary albums (and some of the new one, whatever the fuck it's called) doesn't mean they're not an overall mediocre band in general. Pretty boring riffs and endless bleeeeargh vocals. Whatever. I listen to enjoy a lot of "shitty music."

It was important to me I set that straight, though.

Speaking of shitty music, I like Disturbed. And I've yet to hear anything compelling in the vein of why Morbid Angel are in any way better. I'm not asking for evidence. There is no "evidence," simply well-enough argued opinion to make someone go "Heh. Makes sense. Well, that's cool." So saying that one being "inferior" or whatnot is possible, and that a reversal of that is illogical, is humorous. Because, the criteria for interbreeding of opinion and fact was never established (it never is) and the opinion that an influential DM band is inherently "superior" (hahahaha) to a mainstream alt metal band approaches this curve of confusion whereby readily established opinion is interpreted as fact. Thus, the controversy.

And they are unrelated, so it wouldn;t be a riff-by-riff argument. I just hear a well-written, competently performing popular band in one ear and an overrated, hackneyed bunch of genre trope apers in the other. Well, that was harsh. In fact, to dispel trollish hot-button pushing, I'll just say that MA's riffs do nothing for me, their song structures don't interest me, the drums monotonously overpower the music and lack variety, the solos are endless, pointless, and far too frequent, and both vocalists are poor. Add in evil imagery I could care less about, and then a dash of diminishing returns, and voila! I. No. Like.

I guess speaking in abstractions, Disturbed write catchy simple riffs with occasionally memorable and fluid melodies, insert good hooks, always suprise me instrumentally, and showcase excellent singing and musicianship. They've progresed from album to album, and diversified in sound and depth, taken chances, and never apologized for any of it. On top of that, they never aped their predecessors to the same degree and have few enough followers to be a distinctive musical entity. So, I'll defend them to the ends of the Earth. Artistically significant? Meh. Probably not. One of my favorites? Not really. But I like them. I guess it's my value system that's controversial here (or "shit," whatever, thanks).

Anyway, that discussion's closed from my end. I've provided enough.

As far as Kreator goes, they're awesome. However, last few albums, I've heard the Gothenburg production and the influence. Doesn't bother me, although I wish they'd leave that stuff to the Duskfall or Kalmah and keep on cranking out the Krautthrash, but whatever. Their old production, raw and brutal. New production, clean.

Reinkaos was okay. Not BM, more like melodic death, but enjoyable. Don't know why people got so ornery over the transformation. It's not like Dissection was ever that kVlt to begin with.
Good post.

Btw, GOD sends his regards. You know, the ultimate At the Gates humper who got permabanned several times from these boards due to ill conduct. He's set up an account up to under the name "aflickering.". He says he sort of misses your Islamic nonsense.
haha Tell him to start posting here again. I always thought he was one of the best posters. Then we need Demiurge and Falco back as well. They all have great taste and make the place more interesting with their posts.
Yea, he should definitely come back. Of course under the condition that his posting habits don't consist of pissing off Deron way too much. He said he just got sick of re-registering every day. He says he only posts on metal-rules now, but will consider coming back.
I think all their tastes were eclectic and interesting but the overall worldview of a hierarchical nature was not conducive to healthy board discussion. I suppose it's good to have people around with extreme viewpoints, or even a hardline approach, Nec/Dodens as a shining example (as well as someone whose opinions I respect, for reasons I'm about to outline), for the sake of intelligent and valuable communication. Can't learn without butting opinions. But, the insular elitist mentality. Ideology replacing a brain stem? Okay, LS. Okay. Bring 'em all back. ;)

And DarkBliss, it's good to know GoD's out there. He was a good kid.
We don't need Falco back. He's just a troll. If his intention wasn't to stir shit up and piss people off, I would have no problem. Demiurge tends to be a less trollish Falco. If he can control himself, I don't care if he comes back. GoD is welcome back if he continues his posting habits from M-R, which is probably nicer than how I am here.
Most involving Blue Jay, tbh.
I'm not sure if this is okay for me to say, but I think a lot of people will agree with me when I say that Blue Jay was banned, has come back, and is trolling, which seems to me like ample reason for another banning...
Most involving Blue Jay, tbh.
I'm not sure if this is okay for me to say, but I think a lot of people will agree with me when I say that Blue Jay was banned, has come back, and is trolling, which seems to me like ample reason for another banning...

I remember everyone thought you were Blue_Jay when you first joined. :lol: