Controversial opinions on metal

I remember everyone thought you were Blue_Jay when you first joined. :lol:

He wasn't even banned yet!
Anyhow, back then I was at the height of my In Flames obsession and that was pretty much the only extreme metal I knew. My tastes and knowledge have expanded significantly since then.
Me neither. Well...maybe a little. But not as much as now.

The "Most Progress" award goes to V^5. He came here knowing Soilwork and little else. My God, how he's grown!
Damn, I take everything I said about Reign in Blood back. My preoccupation with prog has dulled my perception. Dated, my ass.It still rips.
Altar of Sacrifice, Angel of Death, Postmortem, Raining Blood-- man, those are prime cuts.
Most involving Blue Jay, tbh.
I'm not sure if this is okay for me to say, but I think a lot of people will agree with me when I say that Blue Jay was banned, has come back, and is trolling, which seems to me like ample reason for another banning...
He's not intentionally trolling, he's just that way, he has to stir something up sometimes, he's just being himself on these boards albeit sometimes ridiculous and funny. I've become good friends with him on MSN, and I was the one that convinced him to register under the new handle. I'm glad he's back and missed him on UM. I even told him he should stay out of the GMD if he doesnt want to get banned, and just hang out with me in the Borknagar and CoB forums, but I just hope he doesnt end up banned again.
And at DaGhostFrom The East: :lol: Well, that's a good reason for not replying to me for 30 minutes on MSN.:p Boobies pwn.:)
Also you should get an avatar sometime. You talk all that shit about how God will judge you in his blessings when you dont even believe he's perfect.:p I dont know where Overkill's from.:lol:
See you on MSN later, probably tonight.:)