Controversial opinions on metal

As in, most thrash that's better than Reign in Blood is better than Reign in Blood?
Wow, man. That's a deep insight.
What's with you always liking the crappy posters that get banned? Same happened with Ohiogrinder and also with Rabid (although tbh I miss rabid a little too)
^I don't know, just coincidence I guess, I wish those 2 were back as well.
I'm just being honest with what I feel on my opinion of the posters, even though it may not be a popular one.

Trolling but it was almost exclusively directed at Deron.

I remember only one time in detail but Deron made a topic that said something along the lines of 'You guys need to get along and stop being assholes' so I replied 'GTFO' and then moments later I was hit with the ban stick.
I don't think Weakling were overrated at all. Dead as Dreams is a fucking great album and I like today as much as I did the fist time I heard it five or six years ago.
-opeth is a terrible jam band...
-true black metal is truly lame...
-since when are farm animal noises metal >_>....
I prefer tim owens over rob halford
I prefer tim owens over matt barlow
... I'm sure I have other controversial oppinions...
-opeth is a terrible jam band...
-true black metal is truly lame...
-since when are farm animal noises metal >_>....
I prefer tim owens over rob halford
I prefer tim owens over matt barlow
... I'm sure I have other controversial oppinions...

1. opeth isn't a jam band
2. false
3. agreed :lol:
4. gay
5. meh