Controversial opinions on metal

Doubt that it matters where black metal is derived from since it is such a poorly defined genre that it could well be anything. Even the most fringe bands can be considered black metal if they only throw in a couple of riffs and some shrieks; no matter if 90& of their music consists of folk or ambient sounds.

The whole genre is basically an amusement park, complete with it's house of horrors.

This is the truth. There needs to be a line drawn between black metal (e.g. Mayhem, Sarcofago, Mortuary Drape, etc) and black music (e.g. anything prefixed with depressive folk ambient etc). The latter has less to do with metal than the average metalcore or alt metal band so reviled. "Black metal", as it is known today, is the most insidious and subversive force within heavy metal music, and should be the enemy of all those that value true metal.
Hamboy, I basically was calling out Buttface as an even worse poster than you, don't shoot yourself in the foot now.
Why do we feel the need to hang onto something like someone mentioning they like suicide silence? Hell, I'm guilty of it too but it's pretty bad. You like suicide silence, the other 5000 posts you made on this board about other bands is completely invalidated.
Hamboy, I basically was calling out Buttface as an even worse poster than you, don't shoot yourself in the foot now.

NEChrist is one of the most hilarious albums I've ever listened to and anyone that enjoys it has their potentially once-worthwhile existence as a human being completely invalidated.
I would never have expected such a post from you. I'm really disappointed. Life completely invalidated.
Aight. Does it help though that I don't like any Nokturnal Mortum releases enough to keep them on my selective 160 GB iPod?
No. The only solution is to confess to your sins of musical whoredom and vow never to listen to "symphonic" black metal again. After 30 Hails to England, I will accept you again. Until then, you are not true.
True. Even though the kiddo claimed that some figure along the lines of 50% of dubstep was worthwhile, liking even one album is pretty sinful.

You got me, hamboy.