Controversial opinions on metal

Based on the one Suicide Silence song that was posted in some other thread yesterday or the day before, they're better than Drudkh.
No more so than anyone that posts "lol deathcore" on a routine basis. It's all false metal anyways, but take away the breakdowns and that Suicide Silence song has something going for it. Prefixed black metal is nothing but a lie.
Fair and respectful discussion of music and tastes thereof is contrary to the very essence of this thread.
itt we forget that 'good vs bad' is a subjective argument.

Itt we somehow forget saying suicide silence is better than drudkh is blatantly inflammatory posting towards a lot of people on this forum. Hbb doesn't like suicide silence and is just being a shitty poster on an anti untrue black metal tirade for a while now. (Probably based on all the backlash he's received from the bizarre sexual things he's posted in the recent past)
lol, I've shit on Drudkh for years now. I don't remember receiving much backlash about anything sexual I've posted here either; Nephilim96 clearly tried to use that but it wasn't very well executed. It's more a consequence of the black metal status quo on this forum being upset over that worst sub-genre poll and the hilarious victim complex demonstrated in this thread, and considering how some of you take the image more seriously than the music, it's not surprising that some of you are particularly sensitive to anything derisive towards it.
What victim complex? Outside of the Limbonic Art guy, nobody's really cared about that pole.

No, Krow is right, you're upset that I said you liked penises. I mean, either it's that, or you're just flaming for no reason, which would make no sense. Just give it up. If you didn't want the grief, you never should have said that stuff.
itt we forget that 'good vs bad' is a subjective argument.

Well allow me to kindly and non belligerently play devil's advocate here, but the notion of musical taste being subjective and arbitrary is in and of itself a subjective observation as well, which makes that statement conjectural.....kind of. Your opinion that it's just someone's opinion is just well......your opinion. Not all opinions are created equally, some are better than others. I will grant you however that the opinions ITT are sometimes poorly formulated though.
Well allow me to kindly and non belligerently play devil's advocate here, but the notion of musical taste being subjective and arbitrary is in and of itself a subjective observation as well, which makes that statement conjectural.....kind of. Your opinion that it's just someone's opinion is just well......your opinion. Not all opinions are created equally, some are better than others. I will grant you however that the opinions ITT are sometimes poorly formulated though.

How does one evaluate which opinions are better than others? I guess you could make an appeal to experts in music theory since they have a technical and more nuanced understanding than the rest of us. Of course, even music theorists don't like all the same music, so perhaps an appeal to experts is just begging the question.

Of course usually when people say "not all opinions are equal" they're really just saying "people who have a similar aesthetic to myself are superior to people who have a different aesthetic than myself."
Severed Survival is a dull, lifeless album.

It's consistently rated a classic of the DM genre, so I blind bought it years back. Have listened numerous times and nothing grabs me at all.
Severed Survival is a dull, lifeless album.

It's consistently rated a classic of the DM genre, so I blind bought it years back. Have listened numerous times and nothing grabs me at all.

I agree really boring and nothing about it compares to the other DM bands of the early period. The production is also quite terrible.