Controversial opinions on metal

How does one evaluate which opinions are better than others? I guess you could make an appeal to experts in music theory since they have a technical and more nuanced understanding than the rest of us. Of course, even music theorists don't like all the same music, so perhaps an appeal to experts is just begging the question.

Of course usually when people say "not all opinions are equal" they're really just saying "people who have a similar aesthetic to myself are superior to people who have a different aesthetic than myself."

Yes I realize I refuted my own argument with the sentence you highlighted but I still feel misunderstood. I wasn't suggesting people should simply surrender their stance due to the opposing side having a perceived greater ethos. I was implying that the guy who says X or Y band sucks because they're gay or something like that is less merited than the guy who says X or Y band sucks because their music lacks variation or what have you.

The whole "well that's just like your opinion man" thing just annoys me because it's ultimately a meaningless statement that doesn't actually have any sort of practical usage in any sort of argument/debate and doesn't accomplish anything. It also always leads to an endless loop and can't be applied to any sort of linear thought pattern.

edit: and Severed Survival rocks balls btw
Yes I realize I refuted my own argument with the sentence you highlighted but I still feel misunderstood. I wasn't suggesting people should simply surrender their stance due to the opposing side having a perceived greater ethos. I was implying that the guy who says X or Y band sucks because they're gay or something like that is less merited than the guy who says X or Y band sucks because their music lacks variation or what have you.

I get why you prefer the later to the former, but is there actually an argument for why the later is inherently better than the former. Sure, the later is deeper, but it's art we're talking about here. If some people get the greatest satisfaction from staying on the surface can you really argue against that. Personally I understand where you're coming from cuz I get pleasure from going deep with music but I think that has more to do with my personality and the way my brain works than some inherent truth about "the right way" to listen to music.

The whole "well that's just like your opinion man" thing just annoys me because it's ultimately a meaningless statement that doesn't actually have any sort of practical usage in any sort of argument/debate and doesn't accomplish anything. It also always leads to an endless loop and can't be applied to any sort of linear thought pattern.

But ultimately this is what it always comes down to. I remember about 10 years ago a friend who is a metalhead and music theorist gave me a very compelling argument for why Burzum is totally overrated. It probably affected the way I listened to Burzum for a week or two, but ultimately the music speaks to me in a way that no theory can trump, so 10 years later its some of my favorite music.

And more to this board, nobody every changes their opinions in any of these arguments, so it ultimately turns into a shit slinging/ pissing contest that finally ends in "well that's just your opinion man" and nobody ever changes their opinion.
Oh ok. I think that's what it technically means, which would thus include New Wave Of Old School Death Metal kinda stuff and the like, but I think we tend to see retro and think of dad rock or shitty party thrash.
I can't really stand it. In terms of modern death metal, I only really dig Dead Congregation, Mitochondrion, Portal, and for occasional listening even though its pretty generic, Behemoth.
Industrial is just club music for people who hate club music.

I dig industrial in da club. But that's kinda how I look at it.
Superchrist is boring motorhead worship and every song sounds the same. I went from liking them to thinking they're easily prof black's worst band. His vocals suck, too, and I have to be in the mood for them.
UM website got fucked up for a second there I think. My shit froze up, probably what happened to him idk. I've always admired Krow's ability to express hatred/dislike for band or style of music. I usually enjoy his posts even if they're about a band I like. Krow please mock Amaranthe if you would be so kind.

Europop metal.
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Superchrist is awesome. The fact that they're Motorhead worship is meaningless when their albums are roughly as good as the original thing.
Superchrist is boring motorhead worship and every song sounds the same. I went from liking them to thinking they're easily prof black's worst band. His vocals suck, too, and I have to be in the mood for them.

So important you had to mention it thrice, eh?
Superchrist is awesome. The fact that they're Motorhead worship is meaningless when their albums are roughly as good as the original thing.

Roughly, as in having one extra or one less chromosome is roughly the same as the correct amount.

Oh and Speedwolf > Superchrist by far.