Controversial opinions on metal

Mustaine is a piss-poor songwriter and a mediocre lead guitarist. He has technical chops and that's it. His lyrics and vocals are frankly embarrassing. His talent for surrounding himself with excellent musicians has lead to a few classic songs over the years, but the only album I can listen to all the way through is the first one.
Nah, aside from SFSGSW and maybe some of their newer shit, he's always had appropriate productions. I love how pinchy the guitar tone is on those first two albums.

EDIT: Above is re: SentinelSlain

I don't agree that he's a bad songwriter. In his peak years, at the very least he never went too long on a given song, and managed to showcase the band's technical abilities without relying too much on flashy leads alone. I mean, you can take a song like Holy Wars or Five Magics and praise the leads all you like, but the sheer number of riff-changes and both how rapidly and fluidly they occur is very impressive. Then you have simpler stuff like Peace Sells or Tornado of Souls which are total high-quality anthems. Lyrically, though, yeah he's a joke.
Everything up till and including Rust in Peace is great, but afterwards Mustaine sorta ran out of juice.

Also regarding Zakk Wylde. Even on No More Tears he overdoes the pinches. its really annoying.
Metallica's old vocal sound was basically like refined NWOBHM, Mustaine's is like, um wat, sub par shitty bar metal band. He kind of has something, mostly in regards to songwriting, but to make good music he'd need to be a in a band that he does not have total control over, with a better vocalist and members with better taste in "sound".
WTF? Mustaine used to write very good lyrics, especially in the 90's. There is no way anyone can listen to Youthanasia and say mustaine had "crap lyrics". And i find it to be pretty ironic that judas priest fans are calling mustaine a "joke" lyricist. Most of Halfords lyrics are fucking laughably horrible. Eve worse than most of the shit dave is spewing out nowadays ...

I made a spike about nine o'clock on a Saturday
All eyes hit me as I walked into the bar
And seeing other guys were fooling with the denim dudes
A couple cards played rough stuff, New York, fire island

I cased the joint, straining at the scenes

I moseyed up to the corner and the tender came a-grinnin'
I snapped the smile off his face and scowled
"Give me a bourbon"
The mirror on the wall was collecting and reflecting
All the heavy bodies ducking, stealing eager for some action
The scene screwed me up, I saw some contact
Then the big boys saw me and knew that

I had too much floating around
Statues alive, seconds are hours

Sacks like a hurricane, wrapped in and shattered
I was barely holding on to this crying bawdy symphony
I guess I dream in pictures, not colors
The true free expression I demand is human rights - right

I gave my life, I am immortal

I'm going, no loss
I'm going, no loss
I'm going, no loss
I'm going, no loss

Nightmare, just a bunch of goddamn, rotten, steaming raw deal

:lol: oh man, that was classic right there. TOP NOTCH LYRICS! :lol:

... i can actually post just about every track from that album.
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Metallica's old vocal sound was basically like refined NWOBHM, Mustaine's is like, um wat, sub par shitty bar metal band. He kind of has something, mostly in regards to songwriting, but to make good music he'd need to be a in a band that he does not have total control over, with a better vocalist and members with better taste in "sound".

I'd hardly call him a "multi-instrumentalist" though unless I'm missing something.

He may only be on stage holding a guitar but the dude plays guitar, bass, piano. I think that counts as a multi-instrumentalist.

Keep in mind I'm not the world's biggest Megadeth fan (I don't even like thrash that much), but you can't deny the dude was stupidly talented.
Yeah I've lost the ability to stomach Mustaine's voice at all. He just can't sing and never should have really. To put it into perspective, Glenn Tipton is way better than him.
You're gay

I know you have a tendency to just spaz shit out ... but please try and behave yourself, Craster.

Now I know that TB is just Yelloweyeddemon/UltimateApathy using a different name.

lol, what a genius you are.

The halford defense team is in full force! :lol: Put some ice on those sore cheeks, children.
Just because people call you out for your bad metal decisions doesn't mean you have to get so defensive, Barbara.

You have the power to end this now. You have the power to stop posting. I have confidence in you. I believe in you.