Controversial opinions on metal

I've always thought they were pretty good, especially with the Ultra Violence, probably one of my top thrash albums. There was something a bit different and original about their sound, not too mention being under 20 at the time with a drummer at 14. I liked the screams thrown in by the lead singer, and the 10+ minute instrumental especially.

Admittedly Frolic through the Park was average but Act III a bit better, with some variation in their songs, but it doesn't really stand the test of time.

So in summary maybe average+ but the Ultra Violence very good.
I like some burzum. Definitely have to be in the mood for it. Yeah, he should not have released anything post prison.

Guess you gotta pay the bills somehow......with ni**er instruments
I don't get the Burzum hate. Or the Opeth hate. Better they make music they want that make that is at least relevant for the new genre they've moved to. Compared to say the past several Slayer/Metallica records. Old men than are no longer angry kids generally just need to just move on to something more appropriate to where they are in their lives, because if its not coming from the heart it WILL be shit. Leave that style to the kids coming up because its relevant to them and its going to be superior. I'd have not a problem in the world if Metallica kept moving down the road they were with Load/Reload.
terrible though it is, LULU probably doesn't fit that mould lol. DEATH MAGNETIC is pure horseshit though, anyone who says otherwise immediately has my badtastedar bleeping like crazy.

LOAD is great.
I don't get the Burzum hate. Or the Opeth hate. Better they make music they want that make that is at least relevant for the new genre they've moved to. Compared to say the past several Slayer/Metallica records. Old men than are no longer angry kids generally just need to just move on to something more appropriate to where they are in their lives, because if its not coming from the heart it WILL be shit. Leave that style to the kids coming up because its relevant to them and its going to be superior. I'd have not a problem in the world if Metallica kept moving down the road they were with Load/Reload.

Yeah they are making music they want but just because it comes from the heart doesn't mean it pays off better. It can still be shit. For example, when Mikael decided to do a strictly ballad Opeth tour, something he genuinely thought was new, innovative and fitting for where he is in his life, that was a smart move just cause it came from the heart? Dude pissed off a lot of people, myself included. And I like Opeths progression throughout the years. Even if he can't embody the 19 year old teenage angst he had when he wrote Orchid, I'm not sure I give a fuck. Play that shit live and I guarantee that it won't be shit because it's not "from the heart".
Yeah they are making music they want but just because it comes from the heart doesn't mean it pays off better. It can still be shit. For example, when Mikael decided to do a strictly ballad Opeth tour, something he genuinely thought was new, innovative and fitting for where he is in his life, that was a smart move just cause it came from the heart? Dude pissed off a lot of people, myself included. And I like Opeths progression throughout the years. Even if he can't embody the 19 year old teenage angst he had when he wrote Orchid, I'm not sure I give a fuck. Play that shit live and I guarantee that it won't be shit because it's not "from the heart".

Fair, but a different problem. Playing music live you wrote 10 years ago is way different than trying to write *new* music. What you're describing is Mikael being a selfish ass and giving his fans the finger =P
I fucking love Belus. Load and Reload were pretty solid, better than anything they've done since by a long shot.
Mikael Akerfeldt's growling these days is laughable at best. So yeah, I gotta disagree with you on that one.
Fair, but a different problem. Playing music live you wrote 10 years ago is way different than trying to write *new* music. What you're describing is Mikael being a selfish ass and giving his fans the finger =P

Yes, further proving his original sentiment was quite stupid.